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高高洒落在崖岸上。High on the rocky shore.

一路坎坷,赴都柏林。The rocky road to Dublin.

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是的,搁浅在硬底质上。Yes, aground on rocky bottom.

一种植物在石缝中生长起来。A plant grew in a rocky cranny.

岩石海岸线上的头巾企鹅Chinstrap Penguin on Rocky Coast

不过,他们的坎坷之路才刚刚开始。But they are off to a rocky start.

没有大山阻—高薄云天。Never a mountain, rocky and steep.

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也在有岩石底层的区域中。Also in areas with rocky substrata.

溪水哗哗地流过岩石床。The stream brawled over a rocky bed.

嶙峋的岬角突入海中…A rocky headland jutted into the sea.

溪潺潺流过多石的河床。The brook warbled over its rocky bed.

小溪潺潺流过多石的河床。The brook warbled over its rocky bed.

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山羊踱进有很多石头的地方。The goat wandered into a rocky place.

至于那颗古老卫星的岩石内核呢?As for that ancient moon’s rocky core?

这险峻陡峭的岩石山时。The steep slope of the rocky mountain.

岩石山脉带给我喜帨。Those rocky mountains give me delight.

还包括一个金岩崖模型文件。Also includes a bonus rocky cliff mesh.

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海浪冲打着岩岸。The sea chafes against the rocky shore.

海浪拍击着岩岸。The seas chafes against the rocky shore.

机甲跟着jake进入一个岩石裂缝。It follows him into a narrow rocky cleft.