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一些人说许多人不应得那些勋章。Some say that many were not merited.

他们给他的所有表扬他都受之无愧。He merited all the praises they give him.

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你的建议值得我们考虑。Your suggestion merited our consideration.

进球后曼联越踢越有自信。After that United brimmed with merited confidence.

接替他出任这个职位的洛威尔也极其称职。Lowell, who succeeded him in the chair, also merited the appointment.

他认为,这是一场”全球危机”,应当得到”全球回应”。This was a “global crisis”, he argued, which merited a “global response”.

是的,年轻人,意大利由于有了你们,得以成就这项寰宇称颂的伟业。Yes, young man, Italy owes to you an undertaking which has merited the applause of the universe.

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在批评自己球队的同时,费格逊称赞了对手,说他们赢得理所当然。While critical of his own team, the boss rightly praised the opposition, saying they fully merited the win.

由这些结果显示穿心莲与仙草是最值得进一步开发为降低LDL氧化效果的草药。From the results obtained, the herbs of Ap and Mc deed merited to further development against LDL oxidation.

我开始在回复里回答,但是文字越写越长,于是我认为它值得我新发一篇文章。I started to respond in the comments, but it ran on for long enough that I decided it merited a blog post of its own.

在这样的场合,咖啡是真正的美食,又是专门冲泡的,一美元的小费,是最基本的了。In places like this, where the coffee is truly gourmet and made to order, a dollar tip, minimum, is definitely merited.

你还可以有时间从容观赏某些展品,如38座精美的佛像,以前你只会在走过时瞥上一眼而已。You get to linger over things that previously might have merited only a passing glance. Such as 38 statues of the Buddha.

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十七个月的监狱生活对一个呼吸惯了海上的空气,过惯了水手的独立生活,看惯了海阔天空,无拘无束的人是太难过了!Seventeen months captivity to a sailor accustomed to the boundless ocean, is a worse punishment than human crime ever merited.

此时应当仔细检视布希的豪赌,因为第一个以不存在的风险为基础重新界定风险的就是总统本人。A closer look at the Bush gamble is merited because the first person to reprice risk on the basis it no longer existed was the president.

虽然你的指斥都没有根据,都是听到人家以讹传讹,可是我那次对你的态度,实在应该受到最严厉的责备。For, though your accusations were ill-founded, formed on mistaken premises, my behaviour to you at the time had merited the severest reproof.

当她读到他提起她家里人的那一段时,其中措辞固然伤人感情,然而那一番责难却也入情入理,于是她越发觉得惭愧。When she came to that part of the letter in which her family were mentioned, in terms of such mortifying yet merited reproach, her sense of shame was severe.

的确,十字军战士将土耳其浴引进了欧洲,但是,即使你所在的城中有一所浴室,每周或两周也才会光顾一次。It's true that the Crusaders imported the idea of the Turkish bath into Europe, but even if your town had a bathhouse, it merited a visit only once every week or two.

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帕尔玛主教练库珀承认尤文是完胜,但强调他决定让一些有决定性的球员休息,并未对比赛结果造成什么影响。Parma coach Hector Cuper has conceded that Juventus fully merited their victory, but says that his decision to rest a few key players did not play a part in the result.

由赛门铁克所发现的盗号恶意程序.Coinbit,我们看出了这种新货币究竟能有多值钱,虽然是否值这个价还众说纷纭。Symantec's discovery of the Infostealer. Coinbit malware shows how valuable the new currency actually could be, although whether that value is merited is hotly debated.

国米主帅穆里尼奥成为继哈佩尔和希斯菲尔德之后,史上第3位率领2支不同球队夺得冠军杯的主教练。The merited victory meant that Inter coach Jose Mourinho becomes the 3rd man in history to win the cup with 2 different clubs, joining Ernst Happel and Ottmar Hitzfeld.