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可以把传出耦合看作传入耦合的逆转。Think of efferent coupling as the inverse of afferent coupling.

传入耦合比较难判断,但是更有价值。Afferent coupling is harder to determine and much more valuable.

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部分初级传入神经元位于迷走神经结状节内。Some primary afferent neurons were presented in the nodose ganglia.

许多这些含CGRP的神经被证明是感觉神经传入纤维。Many of these CGRPcontaining nerves are thought to be sensory afferent nerves.

目的探讨肌苷对肌梭传入放电的影响。Objective To observe the effect of inosine on afferent discharge of muscle spindle.

检查可发现红光反射减弱,且可能出现瞳孔传入障碍。Examination reveals a decreased red reflex and possibly an afferent pupillary defect.

传入耦合表示有多少个其他类使用当前类。Afferent coupling represents the count of how many other classes use the current class.

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与传入耦合一样,抽象性度量在传出耦合中起作用。As with afferent coupling, the abstractness metric comes into play in efferent coupling.

已有相当多的证据显示肺内感觉传入神经与哮喘发病密切相关。It has been proved that asthma is correlated with the afferent sensory nerve of the lung.

鳃上器的血液来源于第二、第四对入鳃动脉。The blood of supranchial organ originates from the second and the fourth afferent branchial artery.

极垫细胞区的微血管与肾小球的微血管直接延续。The afferent arteriole was often traveled in the central part of the area of the polar cushion cell.

他们主要活性成分是辣椒素,是一种传入神经纤维强效刺激物。Their principal active component is capsaicin, which is a powerful stimulant of afferent nerve fibres.

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潜在的传入抑制在给药条件下通过丘脑底核刺激部分恢复正常。Latency afferent inhibition was partially normalized by STN stimulation in the medication-on condition.

本文应用HRP和荧光素标记法对大白鼠外侧隔核的传入性神经纤维联系进行了研究。The afferent connections of lateral septal nucleus was studied in rat with HRP and fluorescence methods.

目的阐明传出前庭神经元与传入前庭神经核的神经联系。Objective To study the connection between the efferent and afferent vestibular neurons in the center neural system.

华何与,华丹一,张红栓神经感受器发生的传入神经冲动反映了各个结构对机体的需求。ObjectiveNerval afferent impulse induced by stimulation of receptors reflects the requirement of structures for body.

本文用HRP逆行追踪技术研究了大白鼠视前外侧区的传入纤维联系。The afferent connections of the lateral preoptic area in the rat were studied by using the HRP retrograde tracing method.

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本研究结果证明三叉神经外周传入纤维和终末经孤束核中继至臂旁核的间接投射旁路。These results demonstrate that the primary afferent terminals of trigeminal nerve, via the NTS, project to PB indirectly.

标记神经元以颈静脉节最多,部分出现于结状节和岩神经节。The nodose ganglion contained some afferent neurons with fibers from caudal cervical part and thoracic part of the esophagus.

而传入耦合则表示其他类通过字段或参数引用当前类的次数。Afferent coupling represents the count of how many other classes reference the current class, via either fields or parameters.