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不要浪费纳税人金钱,马上遣返高山!Don't waste taxpayer's money, deport Gaoshan now!

她称赞南非政府不驱逐这些移民的决定。She praised the government's decision not to deport the migrants.

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我们希望,北韩给予宽大处理,并将他们递解出境。We hope thattheNorth Koreans will grant clemency and deport them.

嗯,那样的话,他们可能会把我们当成非法入境的外国人,把我们驱逐出境。Well, then, maybe they’ll think we’re illegal aliens and deport us.

史蒂芬问,“要是我们待的时间超过签证时间,他们会怎么做,驱逐我们?”Steven asks, "What are they going to do if we overstay our visa, deport us?"

这个提案允许日本遣送任何它认为是恐怖分子的外国人。The proposed law would allow Japan to deport any foreigner it considers to be a terrorist.

美国基本政策是驱逐黑帮嫌疑分子出境,因其中很多是非法移民。The default policy has been to deport suspected gang members, many of whom are illegal aliens.

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这项听力测试可进行有追溯效力地运用和驱逐非白人种,尤其是亚裔移民。The dictation test was applied retrospectively and used to deport non-whites, especially Asians

仍然很难确定驱逐列侬的过程是否完全由尼克松政府完成。It's still hard to figure out whether the effort to deport Lennon was a complete paranoia on Nixon's part.

这样,对外国留学生的追踪工作、拒签工作更容易进行,而且更能把那些中途退学的留学生。This would make it easier to track students, revoke their visas and presumably deport them if they drop out.

我们希望中国政府本着人道主义精神释放薛博士,并立即将其遣返回美国。We encourage China to grant Dr. Xue humanitarian release and immediately deport him back to the United States.

奥巴马总统也使那些先前居住在美国的移民放心,他没有意图围捕非法居住在这个国家的移民或是驱逐出境。Mr. Obama also reassured pro-immigrant groups he has no intention of trying to round up and deport those who are in the country illegally.

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巴基斯坦官员表示,他们不会将受到杀死两名巴基斯坦人指控的美国外交官雷蒙德.戴维斯驱逐出境。The move comes as Pakistani officials say they will not deport the American diplomat Raymond Davis who is accused of killing two Pakistanis.

英国政府称决定驱逐极端穆斯林传教士阿布·卡塔达,他将在约旦因恐怖指控接受审判。The British government says it's determined to deport the radical Muslim preacher Abu Qatada, who faces trial in Jordan on terrorism charges.

实践表明,该系统简单实用,提高了机务段油脂发放的设备自动化水平和油脂的管理水平。The system is simple and practical and improves the automatic level of equipment and the management level of oil fat providing in locomotive deport.

实践表明,该系统简单实用,提高了机务段油脂发放的设备自动化水平和油脂的管理水平。The System was simple and practical. It was improved the automatic level of equipment and themanagement level of oil fat providing in locomotive deport.

在1788至1868年间,澳大利亚是英国的罪犯流放殖民地,因此澳大利亚人的祖先大多是英国以前流放的罪犯。Between 1788 and 1868 the British used Australia as a colony to deport their convicted criminals – these people are the predecessors to many of today's citizens.

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在1788至1868年间,澳大利亚是英国的罪犯流放殖民地,因此澳大利亚人的祖先大多是英国以前流放的罪犯。Between 1788 and 1868 the British used Australia as a colony to deport their convicted criminals – these people are the predecessors to many of today’s citizens.

周日,一些反对派议员抨击日本政府遣返登陆钓鱼岛的香港保钓人士的决定,他们认为应该对这些登岛人士提起诉讼。On Sunday, some opposition lawmakers blasted the government's decision to deport rather than prosecute the Hong Kong activists who'd landed on the disputed island.

处于政治和经济上的压力,美国只好筑起高墙,关起边界,送出巡逻队,不断遣返偷渡的人们。Political and economic pressure led the United States to build fences and close the border. They dispatch border patrol teams and continuously deport illegal immigrants.