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可口可乐是令人心清气爽的饮料。Coke is a refreshing drink.

怎样做沁人心脾的意大利冰How to make refreshing Italian ice

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成熟而清新爽利。Ripe but refreshing on the palate.

凉爽的风正吹拂着。A cool, refreshing wind was blowing.

清风徐来。A refreshing breeze is blowing gently.

在热天喝冷饮使人感到清爽。Cool drinks are refreshing on a hot day.

自然舒了一口气,吹来了爽风。Nature sights, a cool refreshing breeze.

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在暑天喝柠檬水,会使人精神抖擞。Lemonade on a hot day is very refreshing.

一杯清茶,散发出沁人心脾的清香。A cup of tea, emitting a refreshing scent.

我喜欢这种清爽的别墅设计风格!I like this refreshing villa design style!

我来喷点药水儿以及清凉剂。I'll spray insecticide and refreshing oil.

很夏天、很清爽的音乐。Their music is very summery and refreshing.

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楠溪江的水十分清凉。The Nanxi River's water is quite refreshing.

什么都不如柠檬茶那样提神。There is nothing as refreshing as lemon tea.

我想您一定是睡了一个解乏的好觉。I think that you have had a refreshing sleep.

超炫的界面设计,让你耳目一新。Wonderful design, bring you refreshing feeling.

它做起来方便,若在大热天吃这个,你会感到无比清爽!It's easy and incredibly refreshing on hot days.

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接著到了森林里面,漫溢松柏的芳香。The into the forest with great refreshing scent.

想到被雨水淋湿也使我凉快不少。The thought of being rained upon was refreshing.

色调和谐,软嫩鲜香,清淡爽口。Color harmony, Ruannen delicious, light refreshing.