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简是一名学生。Jane is a student.

你是一个学生。You are a student.

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三好学生怎么翻?Three good student?

我需要一个学生证。I need a student ID.

他是一位感到腻烦的学生。He is a fed up student.

我是转学生。I'm a transfer student.

每一名学生都有一顶帽子。Every student has a hat.

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可以成为一名还学生。He can be a student. 12.

我是重新深造的学生。I'm a returning student.

萨丽是一名好学生。Sally is a good student.

知晓自己的学号。Know your student number.

她是一个英国的学生。She's an English student.

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瓦莱丽是新来的学生。Valeri was a new student.

艾贝是个医科学生。Abe was a medical student.

你是否生物系的学生?。Are you a Biology student?

我一定必须是位大专在校学生吗?Do I have to be a student?

他是迈克。他是一位学生。H's Mike. He 's a student.

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我的学生证丢了。I lost my student ID card.

理想的学生芭蕾舞鞋。Ideal student ballet shoe.

指导一个孩子或学生。Mentor a child or student.