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作为公民档案管理员,你们对什么样的项目感兴趣呢?。As a citizen archivist what kind of projects are you interested in?

但是档案馆员托马斯.普兰特被这份文件困扰了好几年。But for several years, archivist Thomas Plante had been troubled by the document.

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但在路易斯安那的蒙哥马利,一名档案保管员曾当面呼他为“来自哈佛的黑鬼”。But in Montgomery, Louisiana, the archivist called him a “Harvard nigger” to his face.

档案学康斯坦斯波特是不奇怪的夏天是不准备完全放弃。Archivist Constance Potter isn't surprised that Summer isn't ready to give up entirely.

游吟学者在技巧上的要求比其他的职业要稍微高一些。The archivist takes a bit more finesse in the way it's played than other classes, to be sure.

我是一个崇拜者存档冲动和一个积习已档案保管员在家庭一级。I happen to be an admirer of the archiving impulse and an inveterate archivist at the household level.

一个负责另一个图书电子化项目的档案管理员,说全球图书馆咫尺可见。Brewster Kahle, an archivist overseeing another scanning project, says that the universal library is now within reach.

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通过公民档案管理员项目,我们能够获得更多工作的公共知识并激励下一代的档案工作者。Through citizen archivist projects, we can increase public knowledge of our work as well as inspire future generations of archivists.

谁在一个档案工作者的专业感兴趣的文件,以系谱,波特说,第一家谱公平吸引了约500人。An archivist who specializes in documents of interest to genealogists, Potter says the first genealogy fair attracted about 500 people.

耶鲁大学的档案馆主人朱迪丝·安·希夫说,耶鲁大学的档案并没有记载与伍德斯托克学院的关系。There is no record in Yale’s archives of a relationship with Woodstock, said Judith Ann Schiff, the university’s chief research archivist.

“电影与展览之间有共生关系,”旧金山城市档案和图书馆官员苏珊格的斯汀说。"There is a symbiotic relationship" between the movie and the exhibits, said San Francisco city archivist and library official Susan Goldstein.

所有的音乐是从一位档案管理人那里找来的,他保存有很多东德战后时期的音乐,我们对这些老电影音乐进行了编排。It’s all music from an archivist we discovered who had a lot of music from postwar East Germany, so it’s basically old film music that we rearranged.

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你的小说同样也带有一定的自传性质。你把这种感受写成作品是为了记录你自己的生活经历吗?Your novels also have an autobiographical side. Do you get the impression of being the archivist of your own history, of your own experience of life?

我这次为贵军带来的基尔巴特?滕涅空军上尉的照片和证件,就是刘义权和他的同事们费尽千辛万苦找到的。The photo and ID of USAF Captain Gilbert Tenney that I bring with me were discovered by Archivist Liu Yiquan and his colleagues through strenuous work.

滕涅空军上尉的照片和证件,就是刘义权和他的同事们费尽千辛万苦找到的。The photo and ID of USAF Captain Gilbert Tenney that I bring with me were discovered by Archivist Liu Yiquan and his colleagues through strenuous work.

鉴于当前高校档案工作人员的整体素质的现状和存在的明显不足,本文提出了对他们进行继续教育的对策。According to the current situation and existing problems of the archivist quality as a whole, the paper puts forward the countermeasures of their continuing education.

来源原则是档案界公认的现代档案整理的核心原则,在传统的档案管理模式下显示了其非凡的生命力。Provenance Principle is the core principle of modern archive settlement recognized by archivist circle and has shown unusual vitality under the traditional archive management mode.

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一旦“被访人”开始被当作合著者,而民族志学者既是抄写员、档案保管员也是进行阐释的观察者,我们就能够对所有的民族志提出新的批评性问题。Once ' informants ' begin to be considered as co-authors, and the ethnographer as scribe and archivist as well as interpreting observer, we can ask new, critical questions of all ethnographies.