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慢是美丽的。Slow is beautiful.

美丽的大词。Big beautiful words.

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这真是太美妙了。It's very beautiful.

我漂亮的妹妹。My beautiful sister.

博帕德是美丽的。Boppard is beautiful.

不,你才美。No, you're beautiful.

像你一样美丽。So beautiful as thou.

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多美丽的景色啊!What a beautiful iew!

真是极美呀!Very beautiful indeed!

我爱美丽的三亚。I like beautiful Sanya.

那海湾真美丽。That's a beautiful bay.

多翯美丽的景色啊!What ta beautiful view!

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你今天真美。You're beautiful today.

你的花瓶很漂亮。Your vase is beautiful.

美丽的罂粟花!Beautiful poppy flowers!

这里实在是美妙绝伦!It is so beautiful here!

我村是美丽的。My village is beautiful.

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她有一副好嗓子。She has beautiful voice.

白雪公主长得美丽。Snow White is beautiful.

两个公园都美。Both parks are beautiful.