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我们知道如何参数化这条直线。We know how to parameterize this line.

参数化其他的细节也非常容易。You can parameterize other details easily enough.

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既然可以这样,那么我们就把这条直线参数化。So, what we could do is say, let's parameterize this line.

现在,让我们看一下映像参数化的说明。Now let's look at the instructions to parameterize an image.

参数化的一个办法就是只把x看作变量。Well, one way to parameterize that is just use the x variable.

直接计算,我们需要先把曲线参数化。Well, to do it directly you would have to parameterize this curve.

对表示进行参数化,以标识内嵌于它们中的链接Parameterize representations to identify links embedded within them

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Sass也允许将混合类型作为参数,使得混合类型的应用更加灵活。Sass also allows to parameterize Mixins, which adds some extra flexibility.

但如果我们使用角度作为参变量的话,我们可以得到最简单的答案。But, I think here, we will get the simplest answer if we parameterize things by the angle.

所以,或者我们可以使用角度,也就是车轮转动的角度作为运动的参变量。So, maybe we can actually use the angle by which the wheel has turned to parameterize the motion.

如果无法对曲线参数化,那么就很难计算线积分了。If you cannot parameterize the curve then it is really, really hard to evaluate the line integral.

根据您的生产环境,您可以对测试系统的一些部分进行参数化。Depending on your production environment, you may want to parameterize some parts of the test system.

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该插件代码生成器页推荐了许多样本,向导可以帮助您进一步对该项目进行参数化。The plug-in code generator page proposes a number of samples that the wizard can help you further parameterize.

您还可以任意添加多个参数,例如,尝试添加颜色或标尺高度参数。You can also parameterize as many aspects as you wish. Try adding color or ruler height as parameters, for example.

操作和参数可变性——您可以在接口定义级别参数化操作和参数。Operations and parameters variability—You can parameterize operations and parameters at the interface definition level.

除了用类型参数对类进行参数化之外,用类型参数对方法进行参数化往往也同样很有用。In addition to parameterizing classes by type parameters, it is often useful to parameterize a method by type parameters as well.

该算法在低维空间中求解反向运动学问题,并在风格子空间中响应用户输入的风格参数。To solve this problem, a new low-dimensional motion model that can parameterize motion style precisely is presented in this paper.

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可以把安装数据参数化并导出这些参数,作为可以在构建映像时配置的输入。You can parameterize installation arguments in your bundle and expose those arguments as configurable input during the image building process.

本文解释了如何对映像进行参数化,该流程处于概念级别,并逐步介绍如何执行每个子任务。This article explains how to parameterize an image, the process at a concept level, and step-by-step instructions on how to perform every sub-task.

在明确铝型材挤压工艺的基础上,将具体的模具结构和工艺参数化,为实现CAD设计提供了基础。On base of mastering Aluminum profile extrusion craft, the author parameterize the structure and craft of extrusion die. This is also the base of CAD.