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她步伐不稳地走开了。She walked away unsteadily.

“剩下的就是遗憾了,”她不平静地说。"More's the pity, " she said unsteadily.

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她穿着旱冰鞋晃晃悠悠地滑了过去。She roller skated across rather unsteadily.

他的两个同伴不稳定地迈着沉重的脚步走到他旁边。His two companions tromped unsteadily over to join him.

我步履不稳地走到另一个房间往外一瞧。I walked unsteadily to another room and looked outside.

他颤颤巍巍地站了起来向主席提出疑问。He rose unsteadily to his feet to question the chairman.

他伸出手够到我,我的心开始砰砰乱跳。Me. He reached out to me, and my heart thumped unsteadily.

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她颤巍巍地由床边挪到梳妆台前。She pulled herself unsteadily from the bed to the dresser.

战士右腿受重伤,走路蹒跚。Badly wounded in his left leg , the soldier walked unsteadily.

低的声音在门欢迎她,而且她不安定地进入。Low voices greeted her at the door, and she entered unsteadily.

壁炉里的火焰跳几下就灭绝了。The flame in the fireplace burned unsteadily and then died out.

杂技演员头上晃晃悠悠地顶着一叠磁碟。The acrobat sustains a batch of dishes with his head unsteadily.

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他在黑暗中摇摇晃晃,摸索着寻找电灯开关。He walked unsteadily along in the dark, groping for the light switch.

杂技演员头上晃晃悠悠地顶着一叠瓷碟。A couple of china plates were on the top of the acrobats head unsteadily.

我仍然坐着,他摇摇晃晃的走向大厅,走进他的卧室。I remain seated, andhe walks unsteadily down the hall and into his bedroom.

班卓走上不归路的那天,我在穿上衣时,它摇晃地走到我跟前。The day Banjo died, he walked unsteadily oer to me as I was pulling on my coat.

极端温度的变化较之于平均温度更趋不稳定。Contrasted with average temperature, the change of extreme temperature is more unsteadily.

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那个侍者瞅着他顺着大街走去,年纪的人走起路来,脚步不挺稳,却很有神气。The waiter watched him go down the street, a very old man walking unsteadily but with dignity.

呃,可以这么说,不毂车行驶得很快时车身有时好像有点摇曳。Well. I should say so, though the trains seem to swing unsteadily sometimes when they go very fast.

装了假肢,他起初走路走不稳,但经过锻炼他的步子稳了。Fitted with the artificial leg, he walked unsteadily at first, but with practice his steps became steady.