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你就必须重新建立这种联结,重新培训。You'd have to sort of start it up again, retrain again.

同时他还命令国税管理办公室的工作人员进行再培训并且招收新的检察官。He has also ordered ONAT to retrain its staff and hire new inspectors.

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解雇时已51岁的麦克康美夫人,决定再培训进入医疗保健领域开展事业。Mrs McKamey, 51 when she was sacked, decided to retrain for a career in health care.

人们常常辞职,接受新工作,或者退出劳动力大军以接受再培训。People often quit jobs, take new jobs, or drop out of the labor force to retrain themselves.

我已不再是一位指挥官了,因此我必须重新训练自己如何跟同事相处。And I wasn't a mission commander, so I had to retrain myself on how to interact with my peers.

不正确的联系很难改变,但我们能使用技术对大脑进行再教育。Incorrect associations can be tough to change, but we can use techniques to retrain our brain.

那些100大卡装的零食能减少人们的零食欲。"Those 100-calories packs retrain people to the eye and decrease thesnacking, " Jampolis said.

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美国食品药品监督管理局表明辉瑞公司曾经尝试对所有临床基地的临床研究观察者进行再培训。The FDA noted that Pfizer attempted to retrain clinical study investigators at all study locations.

开悟把你的灵魂拉上去,但是你必须训练自己的个性,让自己当个称职的圣人。Enlightenment lifts your soul up, but your personality, you have to retrain it to fit a Saintly person.

要使原有的国企职工适应新的岗位,必须使其具有从事新岗位工作的知识和技能,这就需要对转岗职工进行再培训。To solve this problem, we must retrain these staff and workers in order to make them fit for new posts.

那些失业和半失业的人们正努力接受再培训,以紧跟新经济发展的需要。Those left unemployed or underemployed are struggling to retrain and catch up with the new economy's needs.

特里必须重新学习如何思考,如何说话,甚至学习像刮胡子这么简单的事情。Terry had to retrain himself how to think, how to speak, even relearning something as basic as how to shave.

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他警告人们,过量饮食者也必须承担责任,而且主要应该让他们的大脑抵制住诱惑。Overeaters must take responsibility, too, and basically retrain their brains to resist the lure, he cautions.

我开始重新训练自己的大脑,告诉自己吃东西没什么不好,增加体重并不会使我变成胖子。I started to retrain my brain, telling myself that it was OK to eat, that putting on weight wouldn't make me fat.

这也是帮助医生重新认识某项检查是否有必要,降低使其成为医生本能反应的可能。This may also help retrain doctors tothink more about whether a test is indicated and make testing less reflexive.

农场经理克莱顿棺材里大湾水产养殖业是帮助再培训的商业渔民成为养鱼户。Farm manager Clayton Coffin of Great Bay Aquaculture is helping retrain commercial fishermen to become fish farmers.

其中还假设那些先前从事高薪职业的人们愿意接受低薪工作的培训。It also assumes that people who hail from previously highly-paid professions are willing to retrain for lower-paying ones.

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Nick提议对Harper-Tolland的销售人员进行再培训来提高销售量,以便在新产品的销售失利后有新的起色。Nick has proposed to retrain key sales staff at Harper-Tolland in order to boost sales after a disappointing new product launch.

我还可以尝试不同的输入参数,或者使用更加科学数据来重新训练模型,以确定是否能够改善此结果。I might also try different input parameters and also more science data and retrain the model to see if I can improve the results.

“我们在‘受欢迎的’技能将继续节目保留人,再培训,当往那些技能的可能和目标增加”。We'll continue programs to retain people in the 'in-demand' skills, retrain when possible and target accessions toward those skills.