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分辨鳕鱼和黑线鳕则需要大约10个SNP,鲱鱼大约需要30个。Cod and hake each require about ten SNPs, while herring require about 30.

主要捕捞种类属鳕科、无须鳕科和长尾鳕科。The main types of fishing are cod Branch, hake Branch and Elliot cod Branch.

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这个结果跟黑克在基础物理学研究中的发现几乎相同。This result is almost identical with that found by Hake for introductory physics.

理论上手部的伤口确实能提高感染的机会,但这种风险几乎为零。In theory, a cut on the hand might hake a difference, but even then it isn't a measurable risk.

科学家们发现,乌贼的持续出现与鳕鱼数量下降恰巧同时出现。And the squid's sustained presence, the scientists note, coincides with a documented hake decline.

沿海渔业发达,产沙丁鱼、金枪鱼、鳀鱼、鳕鱼、狗鳕以及龙虾、牡蛎等。Coastal fisheries development, production sardines, tuna, Anchovy , cod, hake and lobster, oysters, and so on.

出口使立陶宛加工厂加工出更多的大西洋鲱鱼、鲐鱼、沙丁鱼、岬无须鳕和其他产品。It forces the industry to import all its requirements for Atlantic herring, mackerel, sardinella, hake and other species.

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例如,在大西洋捕获的鳕鱼必须27厘米长,而在地中海捕获的鳕鱼只需要20厘米。Hake caught in the Atlantic must be 27cm long, for example, while those caught in the Mediterranean need measure only 20cm.

现在,共有152家个人和公司拥有对鳕鱼、马胶鱼、大型中上层鱼类、蟹类和螯虾类的捕捞许可权。Currently a total of 152 individuals and companies hold fishing rights for hake , monkfish, horse mackerel, large pelagics, crab and rock lobster.

有专门加工鱼糜的捕捞加工船,用狭鳕制成的鱼糜洁白细腻,蛋白含量高,营养丰富,弹性特别好。A special processing of surimi processing fishing vessels, with narrow white hake surimi made of delicate, high protein content, nutrient-rich, flexible particularly good.