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谢谢,黛丝。Thanks, Daisy.

戴丝在床上。Daisy is in bed.

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他是个一流人才。He is a real daisy.

戴茜是怎样旅行的?How did Daisy travel?

汤姆霍地转向黛西。Tom turned to daisy sharply.

黛丝在超级市场购买东西。Daisy buys things at the supermarket.

小黄好像有不少问题啊。It seems Miss Daisy has many problems.

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他们好像知道戴西什么时候会来。They seem to know when Daisy will come.

这类植物应归入菊科。This plant belongs to the daisy family.

戴西?玛特勒成为谈话唯一的主题。Daisy Mutlar sole topic of conversation.

“看到了,谢谢。”戴西回答说。"Yes, I did. Thank you. " Daisy replied.

这样戴茜就不能制造新药了。So Daisy was not able to make her new drug.

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麦克和他的女朋友黛西现在正在维也纳。Mike is in Vienna with his girlfriend Daisy.

百合拉着她往门口走去时,小菊还在看书。Daisy read while Lily pulled her to the door.

戴西喋喋不休地谈论着这个地方有多美。Daisy chattered about the beauty of the place.

Daisy的艺术科分数是班上最差的。Daisy has the worst marks in art in her class.

菊花链与Hypalon前面吗?强化浸染。Front daisy chain with Hypalon? reinforcement.

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黛丝见到房间里的花感到惊喜。Daisy was surprised to see flowers in the room.

夏末的雏菊、划破的哀伤。Last daisy of summer , the scarification sorrow.

戴西昨天不能来是因为她病了。Daisy couldn't come yesterday because she was ill.