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那头熊非常庞大。The bear was enormous.

巴黎已经很庞大了Paris is already enormous.

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迎面是巨大的假山。In the face of enormous rockery.

大鱼猛地咬住了钓线。The enormous fish snapped the line.

施加在脖子上的力是巨大的。The stress to the neck is enormous.

这些资产持仓量极为庞大。These asset positions are enormous.

我们从来没见过这么巨大的冠状大喷发We've never seen a CME this enormous.

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他怀着巨大的兴趣观察她。He watched her with enormous interest.

蜂蜜的种类越来越多。There is enormous variety among honeys.

我们耗散了太多的能量在我们的愤怒上。We extend enormous energy on our anger.

教区居民的损失是巨大的。What the parishioner lost was enormous.

这些都会产生巨大的热量。All generate an enormous amount of heat.

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在社会上,这种成本是巨大的。The cost to society of that is enormous.

我突然感到有种巨大的沉重感压迫着我。An enormous heaviness was coming over me.

在那一点这是个很大的数。This is an enormous number at that point.

狩猎的人民活动范围一般极广。Hunting peoples often have enormous range.

查林杰教授有一个巨大的脑袋。Professor Challenger had an enormous head.

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岂料,我看到的竟是一只巨大的蜘蛛。What should I find but an enormous spider ?

它有巨大的后果为我们的军队。It has enormous consequences for our troops.

天哪,这地方真大,真豪华!My god, this place is enormous. What luxury!