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凯瑟琳更加发狂似地问道。Katherine asked more frantically.

他望着它,发狂似的望着它。He gazes and gazes at it frantically.

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她疯狂地沿着楼梯井往下逃。She frantically fled down the stairwell.

他拼命翻找抽屉里的东西。He pawed frantically through the drawers.

海鸥的翅膀在疯狂地扑扇着。The wings of the sea gull were beating frantically.

海鸥的翅膀在疯狂地扑扇着。The wings of the sea gull were beating frantically.

他抓狂的找新的保险卡,但是没有找到。He searched frantically for a new card, but found none.

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看到他这个样子,代达罗斯狂怒地喊他回来。Seeing this, Daedalus called frantically for him to return.

我匆忙的跑回办公室近乎发狂的给我的眼科医生打电话。I ran into my office and frantically called my ophthalmologist.

我们拼命往外舀水,使它继续漂浮了几个小时。We kept her afloat for a couple of hours by bailing frantically.

目前仍有一名工人下落不明,救难人员正积极地搜救中。One worker remains missing and rescuers are frantically searching for him.

她使劲挤过人群,拼命寻找戴维。She muscled through the throngs of people, frantically searching for David.

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您疯狂地试图弄明白问题所在,以便可以按时驾车去上班。You frantically try to figure out the problem, so you can get to work on time.

我疯狂地连发多封电邮给仁波切,请求他帮助TM。I frantically sent several emails to Rinpoche again, requesting him to help TM.

晕死,原来她的口香糖粘在我头发里了,她想弄出来。She was frantically and secretly trying to remove the gum she got stuck in my hair.

答案是,银行又如以前一样,疯狂地向政府所希望去的领域提供贷款。Banks, again, are frantically doling out loans where the government wants them to go.

夜莺飞回英国准备繁殖,正是雄夜莺正在疯狂追求着雌夜莺的时候。The males are frantically wooing the females as they return to this country to breed.

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人们疯狂地寻欢作乐,但这就是报酬递减的规律。People are frantically looking for fun fixes, but that’s the law of diminishing returns.

华工被疯狂地为建设一个巨大的鱼宴顶上现场一座宫殿。Chinese laborers were frantically building a palace for a banquet scene atop a giant fish.

最具特色的大讲堂里一起疯狂读英语的感觉就是好!Most characteristics of a large lecture halls, frantically read English is a good feeling!