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我听到他了。I hear him.

我听着呢。I hear you.

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不听任何丑恶?Hear no ugly?

我听到一声牛叫。I hear a cow.

我听到狗叫声。I hear a dog.

我听到一只猪叫。I hear a pig.

说来听听?Say to hear to?

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你能听见我说话吗?Can you hear me?

我听从命令!I hear and obey!

我听见她唱歌!I hear her sing!

我听不见。I can't hear you.

听到了么?醒一醒!Hear that?wake up!

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哦?说来听听。Oh? Let's hear it.

难道你没有听到吗?Do you not hear it?

现在你来听我说。Now you'll hear me.

喏,你听到了吗?There, do you hear?

明能听见什么?What can Ming hear?

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你听到什么了?What did DAou hear?

明能听见公共汽车的声音吗?Can Ming hear a bus?

听我说,我的兄弟!Hear me, my brother!