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你那句含沙射影的说“忠诚的战士”是什么意思?What's this innuendo comment about "- loyal soldiers -"?

他一直受到新闻界指桑骂槐的影射。He had been subject to a campaign of innuendo in the press.

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伪善、欺骗、影射和诽谤。Hypocrisy double-dealing innuendo and character assassination.

马克暗讽地说敌队会在比赛中输掉。Mark told by innuendo that the opposing team would lose the game.

本文从语用学的角度研究了影射言语行为。This thesis studies innuendo speech act from the angle of pragmatics.

燕太子怀疑荆轲借故拖延,多次暗讽催促。Yan Jing Ke suspected Prince an excuse to delay repeatedly urged innuendo.

与此同时,将会有大量有关我们的负面报道,含沙射影和大胆猜测会满天飞。In the meantime, wed get lots of bad stories full of innuendo and speculation.

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“我的调查结果对议会成员的行为和动机没有任何暗示及影射,”莱格写道。"My findings carry no implication or innuendo about the conduct or motive of MPs, " Legg wrote.

在成熟的以性含沙射影的舞蹈中,奥库尼扮演男性角色,男人扮演女性角色。Okuni danced male roles and men danced female roles in a choreography often ripe with sexual innuendo.

他也因为在电视上不时与女性支持者们讲庸俗笑话和调情而着名。He is also well known for his sometimes vulgar innuendo and flirtation with female supporters -- on live television.

抛开我在评论中关于电影和信仰的含沙射影,我们把注意力放到不同的实体基础上。Rather than focus on the innuendo about my motives and beliefs in the review, let me focus instead on differences of substance.

生意导入比较慢。荷兰人很关注细节,在和对方达成协议之前,他们想理解清楚每一点暗示。Business is conducted slowly. The Dutch are detail-oriented and want to understand every innuendo before coming to an agreement.

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通过对影射言后行为的考察,我们发现影射的语用力量较强,后效明显。The perlocutionary act of innuendo speech act indicates that innuendo speech act has a stronger pragmatic force and obvious later effects.

在过去五个月中他受到了含沙射影和虚假指控的无情攻击,而且根本没有机会为自己辩驳。For the past five months, Danny was subjected to a relentless attack of innuendo and false allegations and was denied any opportunity to defend himself.

之前曾接到封口令的媒体认为,这意味着他们不必再借用影射或暗示的方式。The established media seized this cue to dispense with the innuendo and allusion to which they had been hitherto restricted – some of it admittedly ingenious.

任何国籍的作家都醉心于通过刻划细节,借助隐喻和运用潜台词揭示人物的个性和心灵深处的渴求。An artist of any nationality is keenly attuned to nuance and innuendo and subtext, to the revelation of personality and the deep yearning in every human heart.

施瓦茨说,他理论上同意这个设想,但同时也提出了质疑,不知一部主要讲述上流社会生活并带有性讽喻意味的电视剧能否通过政府审查。Mr. Schwartz said he approved of the idea in theory but wondered aloud if the show's focus on high society and its sexual innuendo would get past state censors.

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新一年里,我们要撇清关于交易卡梅罗安东尼的传言,全神贯注于如何将主教练汤姆锡伯杜的防守准则一一运用到场上。We swear off any more rumor and innuendo about staying alive in the Carmelo Anthony sweepstakes and just concentrate on getting Tom Thibodeau's defensive principles down pat.

吉川带领顾一男与宾客们打招呼,沈文杰对顾一男恨得牙根直痒,他一脸敌意说了一些暗讽顾一男的话语,顾一男心如明镜笑对沈文杰。Ji Chuan led Gu Yinan to greet the guests, Shen Wenjie of Gu man got straight teeth itch, his face a hostile innuendo Gu Yinan said some words, Gu man heart smile on Shen Wenjie.

晚餐后,史密斯先生邀请我到起居室以便我们可以继续我们的讨论,直到那时我们只是含沙射影并没有直接触及政治。After dinner, Mr. Smith invited me to the living room so that we could continue our discussion which, until then, had been laced with innuendo but had not dealt with politics directly.