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她的文风倾向于雕琢。Her style tends to elaboration.

这一论点有待进一步发挥。This point needs further elaboration.

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铺陈是辞赋的基本创作方法。Elaboration is the basic writing method of cifu.

下面结合吴文提出的质疑作进一步的阐述。Wu made the following challenge with further elaboration.

第一节论述花被女性所关注的原因。The first section elaboration perianth female pays attention reason.

总而言之,精化阶段是针对测试而设计的适当时机。In short, the Elaboration phase is the right time to design-for-test.

律令上对于这种行为并未做明确阐述。The laws and decrees do not give a definite elaboration of this action.

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经过十余年的苦心经营,诸葛亮终于登上了丞相的宝座。Zhuge Liang became the prime minister through elaboration over ten years.

在精化阶段,我们确定了系统构架和主要的需求,以便为构建阶段的主要设计和实施工作提供一个稳定的基础。In the Elaboration phase, we identified system imperatives and requirements.

本节仅就以喘为主证的疾病,作为论述中心。This only breathes heavily primarily card disease, takes the elaboration center.

叶嘉莹先生对王国维的境界说作了深刻的阐发。Ms. Ye Jiaying has a profound elaboration of Mr. Wang Guowei's "theory of realm".

文章分为引言、总论、分论、结语四个部分。The article includes four parts, preface, introduction elaboration and conclusion.

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段落式的铺陈方法是指作品中用一个诗段或自然段落描绘某一个主题。Paragraphed elaboration means that the author describes one theme in one paragraph.

第三部分主要是山海关历史及其发展的论述。The third part mainly is the elaboration of Shanhaiguan history and the development.

我们在项目的初始阶段和细化阶段的早期为演示使用了正面。We used facades for demonstrations very early in the inception and elaboration phases.

最后,联系时政热点进行重点分析阐述。Finally, relate current politics hot spot carries on the selective analysis elaboration.

四篇论文从不同的角度对自我评价活动的机制进行了阐述。They carried on the elaboration from the different angle to the self-appraisal mechanism.

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就单项策略而言,学生经常使用的只有推理和联想策略。As for the subcategories, students only usually use inferencing and elaboration strategies.

它们大多数发生在过程中的先启和精化阶段。Most of them take place in the Inception and Elaboration phases quite early in the process.

OPSI的提出引起人们对脾脏功能的广泛重视。However, the elaboration of OPSI has elicited extensive attention towards splenic functions.