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这条船来往于多佛与加来之间。This ship runs between Dover and Calais.

我们经多佛和加来而到巴黎。We travelled to Paris by Dover and Calais.

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十分钟后我们出发去多佛然后到法国的加来。We start for Dover and Calais in ten minutes.

只要一个半小时就可以到布洛涅或加来。It only takes an hour and a half to get to Boulogne or Calais.

Calais说,即使只有稀缺的资源,依然有所选择。Even with scarce resources, there were options, according to Calais.

同一天,他驾驶一架新的“安特瓦奈特”号飞机来到了加来附近。He, too, arrived near Calais on the same day with a new 'Antonette'.

我们在火车上睡着了,醒来时发觉已到加来了。We fell asleep on the train and woke up to find ourselves in Calais.

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同一天,他驾驶一架新的“安特瓦特”号飞机来到了加来附近。He, too, arrived near Calais on the same day with a new 'Antoinette'.

第二天看到的庆祝活动将在福克斯通到加来。The following day saw celebrations taking place in Folkestone and Calais.

两天之后,路易斯.布莱里奥驾驶一名为“11号”的飞机来到加来附近。Two days later, Louis Bleriot arrived near Calais with a plane called 'No.

我用这个毫无问题地从加来得到巴黎的一个地址。I used this to get from Calais to an address in Paris without any problems.

两天之后,路易斯。布莱里奥驾驶一名为“11号”的飞机来到加来附近。Two days later, Louis Bleriot arrived near Calais with a plane called 'No. 11'.

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两天以后,路易斯?布莱里奥驾驶一架名为“11号”的飞机来到加莱附近。Two days later, Louis Bleriot arrived near Calais with a plane called 'No. XI'.

但到了1453年,雄风再起的法兰西人夺回了控制权。But by 1453 the rejuvenated French had wrested back control, and only Calais remained.

到1453年战争结束时,只有法国北部的加莱港还在英国人手里。By 1453 Calais was the only part of France that was still in the hands of the English.

1909年,法国人路易斯?布雷里奥从法国加来市飞越英吉利海峡,到达英国的多佛。Louis Bleriot, a Frenchman, flew across the English Channel from Calais to Dover in 1909.

“我们已经告诉海地政府,恩里基洛断层是主要的因素,”Calais说。"We've told the Haitian government that the Enriquillo fault is a major player," Calais says.

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许多人跋山涉水,经过亚洲和欧洲的危险旅程抵达加来地区。Many had arrived to the Calais squatter area after dangerous journeys through Asia and Europe.

整个加莱义民雕塑耗时七年,最终于1895年被安放在加莱市内。This monumental work took eleven years to complete, and was finally installed at Calais in 1895.

他曾经在加来和波洛业看见犯人把同样表册交给几个法国绅士看。He had seen the prisoner show these identical lists to French gentlemen both at Calais and Boulogne.