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现今我们有数码电视。Nowadays we have digital TV.

如今它已下沉得厉害。It is sagging badly nowadays.

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如今新闻播得很快。News is travelling fast nowadays.

我的天主爷爷,敢是今天的诸圣天神全疯了?Are the saints going mad nowadays?

现在消息传播很快。News flies about rapidly nowadays.

现在他什么也不告诉我了。He never tells me anything nowadays.

她现在在兼修英语。Nowadays she is minoring in English.

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当今的风可真不小。There is no smwhichle wind nowadays.

现在坐飞机是平常事。Air travel is a commonplace nowadays.

但现在人们使用信用卡。But nowadays people use credit cards.

现在也用塑料雕刻。Nowadays engravers also use plastics.

这个习俗一直流传到现在。The custom has been held on nowadays.

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现在我们不会再犯那种错误,”她说。Nowadays we don't do that, " she says.

就目前一般汽车而论,它们是好汽车。They are good cars as cars go nowadays.

现在戴常礼帽的已不多见了。Bowler hats are not often worn nowadays.

现在,很多鞋都是塑料做的。Many shoes nowadays are made of plastic.

我觉得这年头流行音乐太多了。I think pop music is too cheezy nowadays.

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现在该国的宗教影响力减弱了吗?。Is the country more secularized nowadays?

现在许多鞋是用塑料制作的。Many shoes nowadays are made of plastics.

当今世界是一个日益全球化的世界。Nowadays the world globalizes day by day.