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嫘底现在欧洲。Letty is in Europe.

但是欧洲在哪儿?But where is Europe?

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坐火车游欧洲。Toured Europe by train.

我正盼望去访阗欧洲。I'mhoping to visit Europe.

他画了一幅欧洲的略图。He outlined a map of Europe.

欧洲应该改名叫温洲。Europe should rename Wenrope.

他取道土耳其来到欧洲。He came to Europe via Turkey.

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他们打算到欧洲旅行。They are going to tour Europe.

他们想使自己归属于欧洲。They want to belong to Europe.

好吧,你先回欧洲吧。Well, go back to Europe first.

欧洲的脱脂需求很旺盛。Europe has good demand for SMP.

往欧洲出口雨鞋。Exporting rain boots to Europe.

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就像是欧洲的竖中指手势一样。Like a middle finger in Europe.

他最近一直在欧洲奔忙,并在各个饭店进行旅馆式办公。He has been hotelling in Europe.

在2011年的欧洲,一切都有可能。In the Europe of 2011, anything.

欧洲也已吃饱喝足。Western Europe seems sated, too.

欧洲人为什么要落后呢?Why should Europe be left behind?

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它的设备广销于欧洲。Its gear is widely used in Europe.

欧洲的客房更高达530万间。Europe has about 5.3 million rooms.

我该跟着李欧波去欧洲吗?Should I go to Europe with Leopold?