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爱德华·卡伦。Edward Cullen.

那是爱德华。That's Edward.

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他的名字叫艾德华。His name is Edward.

爱德华三世退位。Edward VII abdicated.

“爱德华还在服现役吗?”“Edward on active service?

爱德华转向罗莎莉。Edward turned to Rosalie.

你已经失去我了,爱德华。You have lost me, Edward.

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卡莱尔看向爱德华。Carlisle looked to Edward.

嗨,爱德华。这是李密。Hi, Edward. This is Li Mi.

他是爱德华的后裔。He is descended from Edward.

哈,他们负责帮爱德华出点子。They helped Edward with ideas.

你好,赵平。欢迎光临。How do you do, Edward. Welcome.

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爱德华。佩瑞曼。科尔在五月去世了。Edward perriman cole died in may.

乔治接任爱德华当队长。George replaced Edward as captain.

清楚大声些,爱德华Hmm, nice and loud please, Edward?

“画册。”爱德华说道。"The album, " said Edward sulkily.

爱德华和他一样都是个好学生。Edward is as good a student as him.

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阿萨姆邦的一个历史-爵士步态。History of Assam – Sir Edward Gait.

爱德华博士是一位最博学多才的学者。Dr. Edward is a most learned scholar.

我敢肯定,爱德华.费拉斯身体不好。I am sure Edward Ferrars is not well.