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广告盲目性。Ad blindness.

夜盲好么?。Night Blindness.

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这个男孩是夜盲。The boy is night blindness.

她因失明而丧失视力。She was disabled by blindness.

管理费盲目症也折磨着我们所有人。Fee blindness can afflict us all.

爱情和盲目是孪生姐妹。Love and blindness are twin sisters.

失明是非常严峻的惭疾。Blindness is a very serious disability.

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失明、视力低下,和色盲Blindness, low vision, and color blindness

我们下次会说到弥尔顿的愚昧无知。We'll be talking about Milton's blindness.

一次事故使他双目失明。His blindness is the result of an accident.

一次事故使他双目失明。His blindness is the result of an accident.

你是否有色盲或者色弱?Are you a color blindness or color weakness?

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其实人人都有选择盲区。We are all blind to our own choice blindness.

我害怕在任何时刻失明的突然降临。I feared blindness would set in at any moment.

现在,他对指控对问题视而不见睁一眼闭一眼。He was open now to charges of wilful blindness.

紫薇在逃亡中,头部受创而失明。Crape myrtle in exile, head injury and blindness.

有时候我们将此称之为精神性失明Sometimes this is described as psychic blindness.

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但长期以来人影作业有着很大程度的盲目性。But this work exists of blindness for a long time.

我早就安于自己的失明了。I have long since come to terms with my blindness.

夜盲症是因为缺乏哪种维生素?。Night Blindness is caused by lacking which vitamin?