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那时是冬天。It's wintertime.

在冬天我们通常缺乏运动。We’re often less active in wintertime.

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冬季就意味着更少的工作量。Wintertime can mean a smaller workload.

冬天的时候,你不会感到寒冷么?Don't your feet get cold in the wintertime?

所有的鱼都会在冬天结冰。All the fish would freeze in the wintertime.

它是水牛在寒冬中呼出的一口白气。It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime.

为挡风玻璃的清洗准备专门的冬季配方洗涤剂。Use a wintertime formula in your windshield washer.

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这些钙华塔的照片是在冬季拍摄的。This photo of the towers was taken during wintertime.

有些人抱怨他们在冬天里更易长肉。Some people swear they gain more weight in the wintertime.

在多雨凉爽的冬季,植被得到充分的灌溉。The vegetation is well watered in the cool, rainy wintertime.

来吧,孩子们,专心吃饭-冬天要把饭吃好。Come on, boys, get stuck in-you need a good meal in wintertime.

然而,冬季却有一种平和的美。However, duanwenw. com there is a peaceful sort of beauty in the wintertime.

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冬天,室内的热空气容易将皮肤表面的水份蒸发,皮肤变得比较干燥。Heated indoor air also can cause your skin to lose moisture during wintertime.

隆冬,积雪覆盖大地,贫苦的小男孩不出门,滑着雪橇去拾柴。Once in the wintertime when the snow was very deep, a poor boy had to go out and fetch wood on a sled.

他们唱着“冬泳健儿之歌”扑向冰冷的江水。They sang the heroically "Song of Sportsmen of Wintertime Swimming", plunging into the ice-cold water.

在美国建国早期,由于冬季旅行十分困难,总统宣誓就职典礼在3月份举行。In the early days of the nation, when wintertime travel was difficult, inaugurations were held in March.

举例来说,一个玉米棒在夏季的时候售10美分左右,而在冬季的时候差不多售1美元。For instance, an ear of corn will cost about 10 cents in the summer and nearly a dollar in the wintertime.

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原来,在全国各地的铁路建设的鼎盛时期,摄制队在冬季的盐用来传播。Turns out that in the heyday of railroading all over the nation, crews used to spread salt in the wintertime.

在冰川深裂缝末端,最后形成了一个冰川湖,在这张图片上,湖泊被冬天洁的冰盖住了。At the end of the glacier’s deeply crevassed snout sits a glacial lake, coated with ice in this wintertime picture.

这个钟本身固然是一个发明,但不过是为冬天的性生活寻找其它借口而已。The clock is, itself, a contrivance, of course, but no more so than other pretexts for a wintertime sexual encounter.