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布隆迪年独立后乌松布拉改名为布琼布拉。Usumbura was renamed Bujumbura when Burundi became independent in 1962.

中非国家布隆迪是新进榜者,排名前十名榜单尾部。The central African nation of Burundi is a new arrival to the bottom 10.

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敬陪末座的是刚果民主共和国、辛巴威与蒲隆地。At the bottom came the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe and Burundi.

而排在“幸福名单”末尾的国家则是刚果民主共和国、巴布韦和布隆迪。At the bottom came the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe and Burundi.

她也有国家经验,曾经在布隆迪的乡村医院中工作过。She also has country experience from working in rural hospitals in Burundi.

我们只是希望布隆迪政府将重新考虑,“布罗迪说。We are just hoping the government of Burundi will reconsider, " Brody said."

据了解,自2007年以来,已有44个坦桑尼亚白化病人被杀死,布隆迪有14个。Since 2007, at least 44 albinos have been killed in Tanzania and 14 in Burundi.

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难民们对政府军和叛军焚烧村庄的行动表示谴责。Refugees accuse both government troops and rebels of burning villages in Burundi.

从独立以来的大部分时间里,布隆迪一直处于西图的少数民族的个人手中。For most of the time since independence, Burundi has been ruled by individuals from the Tutsi minority.

最初叫作乌苏布拉,9'2年布隆迪独立后重新命名。Originally called Usumbura, it was renamed when Burundi became independent in 9'2. Population, 229,980.

最初叫作乌苏布拉,1962年布隆迪独立后重新命名。Originally called Usumbura, it was renamed when Burundi became independent in 1962. Population, 229,980.

当我们走进总统办公室时,我们围绕门廊里的布隆迪木雕进行了短暂交流,然后我们坐下开始访谈。As we walked in, we chatted briefly about a wooden carving from Burundi in the corridor, and then we sat.

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蓝尼罗河源于埃塞俄比亚的塔纳湖,流经扎伊尔,肯尼亚,卢旺达,坦桑尼亚和布隆迪。The Blue Nile starts in Lake Tana, Ethiopia and flows through Zaire, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzanian and Burundi.

中国政府援建的非洲布隆迪共和国穆杰雷水电站。Mugere Hydropwer Station of the Republic of Burundi , Africa, as aid construction by the chinese government.

我离开尼日利亚,飞往坦桑尼亚的阿鲁沙,去参加由纳尔逊·曼德拉主持的布隆迪和谈。From Nigeria, I flew to Arusha, Tanzania, to the Burundi peace talks, which Nelson Mandela had been chairing.

大规模的谋杀和故意伤害,再加上环境问题,成了让布隆迪人最头疼的问题。Mass murder and mayhem compete with environmental problems as the biggest headaches for the people of Burundi.

来自索马里的班图人在爱达荷州建起了农场,来自布隆迪的难民们在华盛顿州的西雅图种起了庄稼。There are Somali Bantus farming in Boise, Idaho, and refugees from Burundi growing crops in Seattle, Washington.

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它负担着数百项的计划,从解除布隆迪持枪歹徒武装到促进马…It pays for hundreds of projects, from demobilising gunmen in Burundi to, yes, promoting contraception in Madagascar.

政府指责损害布隆迪的利益,展出了对反对派团体的偏见戈沙尔。The government has accused Ghoshal of harming the interests of Burundi and exhibiting a bias towards opposition groups.

这个国家贫穷的真正原因是因为连绵不绝的内战。The reason Burundi is so poor is because they have never really had any peaceful time between the everlasting civil wars.