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乌拉圭空军571航班Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571

不过,据乌拉圭媒体称,该球员最中意的球队还是国米。However, Uruguayan sources say Inter are favourites for Muslera.

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乌拉圭足球这些年来并没有少制造舆论。Uruguayan football has never failed to generate opinion over the years.

塔瓦雷斯说,“这个麦孔总是不停地扑向对手,就像没完没了的雨点。”"This Maicon, " said Uruguayan coach Oscar Tabarez, "he keeps coming like rain.

乌拉圭前锋弗兰在第116分钟攻入了制胜的一球。The Uruguayan striker Diego Forlan scored the decisive goal in the 116th minute.

一个乌拉圭人成为了阿贾克斯的队长,这足以说明他是各方面多么优秀的一个人。For a Uruguayan to go to Ajax and become club captain speaks volumes for him as a person.

但在这次的失败中,弗兰和他那支“残缺不全”的乌拉圭足球队在开普敦展现出何等的骁勇。But in defeat, what courage Forlán and his depleted Uruguayan team displayed in Cape Town.

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诺沃亚代表乌拉圭国会及参议院热烈欢迎吴邦国委员长的来访。Novoa, on behalf of the Uruguayan National Congress and Senate, warmly welcomed Wu's visit.

乌拉圭前锋龅牙苏同学所扮演的角色给安菲尔德球场英雄留下了深刻的印象。And the Anfield hero has also been impressed with how Uruguayan Suarez has taken to his new role.

该公司指标采用乌拉圭公立学校使用的打分法,因此易于理解。OSE’s indicators use a grading system from Uruguayan public schools and so are easily understood.

米兰和尤文图斯准备在转会市场上为了乌拉圭后卫马丁。卡塞雷斯竞争。Milan and Juventus are set to do battle on the transfer market for Uruguayan defender Martin Caceres.

据报道乌拉圭中场尼古拉斯-罗德里罗已经陷入了利物浦主帅贝尼特斯的法眼。Uruguayan midfielder Nicolas Lodeiro is said to have caught the eye of Liverpool manager Rafa Benitez.

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那一天乌拉圭空军571坠毁于安第斯山脉造成29人死亡。That 's the day that Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 infamously crashed in the Andes, killing 29 people.

利物浦和博洛尼亚的乌拉圭新星加斯顿·拉米雷斯联系了起来,看来新年到来之季可能会引进他。Liverpool are being linked with a New Year move for Bologna's highly rated Uruguayan star Gaston Ramirez.

进出乌拉圭首都蒙得维的亚的航班也被取消,影响到数以千计的旅客。And many flights in and out of the Uruguayan capital Montevideo have also been cancelled, affecting thousands more travellers.

据透露,蓝军派人观看了本赛季初奥林匹亚克斯的比赛,而乌拉圭人的表现甚是抢眼。The Blues are thought to have sent a representative to watch Olympiakos earlier this season and the Uruguayan caught their eye.

这桩转会也同样适合撒拉耶塔,乌拉圭前锋提出过转会申请,希望去一个能参加更多一线队比赛的俱乐部。The move would also suit Zalayeta, as the Uruguayan striker has requested a transfer so that he can play more first team football.

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肯尼达格利什认为在为乌拉圭出战了一个繁忙的夏季之后仍然让苏亚雷斯去踢桑德兰的揭幕战是错误的。Kenny Dalglish believes he was wrong to start Luis Suarez against Sunderland last week at the end of a busy summer for the Uruguayan.

利物浦、瓦伦西亚、纽卡斯尔和朴茨茅斯都想得到马丁斯,而都灵和亚特兰大也参与到了雷科巴的争夺之中。The Nigerian is wanted by Liverpool, Valencia, Newcastle and Portsmouth, while the Uruguayan is being courted by Torino and Atalanta.

这名乌拉圭的锋线杀手已经暗示他将很期待与德里奥罗西——他在莱切时的主教练再度共事的机会。The Uruguayan hitman has hinted that he would welcome the chance to work with Delio Rossi ? the man who launched his career at Lecce.