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所以我理解你的心情。So I understand your irritation.

她似乎感觉到了他的愤怒。She seemed to sense his irritation.

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没有更多的刺激或剃须后刮胡子。No more irritation shaving or post-shave.

咽喉发炎前期使用果亦佳。Best used at the onset of throat irritation.

柳妈不耐烦的看着她的脸。Amah Liu glanced with irritation of her face.

不要搓脸,因为这可能会导致炎症。Do not rub face as this can cause irritation.

马丁点点头,却也感到一阵温怒。Martin nodded, but felt a rasp of irritation.

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但是不久这种悲伤就变成了恼怒。But this feeling soon gave place to irritation.

在左手掌有一个发炎区。There's an area of irritation on the left palm.

这可以让头发更平,并防止皮肤过敏。This will help prevent bumps and skin irritation.

滑囊炎是滑囊的炎症。Bursitis is inflammation or irritation of a bursa.

从一个小问题或小烦恼入手,去解决它们。Pick one small problem or irritation and resolve it.

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接触硅烷会导致眼睛的刺激。Contact with silane can cause irritation of the eyes.

本品不含酒精成份,性质温和,安全无刺激。Free of alcohol, mild nature, safe and no irritation.

我这喉痛不知是什么时候引起的。I wonder what has set up this irritation in my throat.

可以作为保护剂抵制进一步的过敏。May be used as a protectant against further irritation.

如果可能会刺激皮肤适用于刚剃光。May cause irritation if applied to freshly shaven skin.

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最常见的副作用是刺激或变红。The most common side effect is irritation or reddening.

出现发经,发肿,发痒,或刺激。A. In cases of redness, swelling, itching, or irritation.

通常是暂时性的呃逆所造成的腹部不适。Transitory hiccup is usually caused by epigastric irritation.