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我讲的是一个埃尔多拉多?Am I talking of an El Dorado ?

理想中的黄金国正在重新蜕变成沙漠。El Dorado is fading back into desert.

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他说深圳市是“一个非政府组织的黄金国”。He talks about Shenzhen being “an El Dorado for NGOs”.

和其他所有不朽的传说一样,黄金国的故事也包含一些支离破碎的真实成分。And like all enduring legends, the tale of El Dorado contains some scraps of truth.

这辆车非常脏,开到街上好像个巨大的被压坏了的罐子。An El Dorado. It was filthy. It looked like a huge crushed can coming up the street.

当时的英国宠臣沃尔特·雷利爵士曾两次到圭亚那寻找黄金国。English courtier Sir Walter Raleigh made two trips to Guiana to search for El Dorado.

像乌苏亚一样,贡萨洛·皮萨罗和他的人进入亚马逊盆地以搜寻黄金城。Like Ursúa, Gonzalo Pizarro and his men entered the Amazon basin in search of El Dorado.

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“这是一个在欧洲和许多国家都发生的全球性现象,”多拉多说。"This is a global phenomenon that is taking place in Europe and many countries, " Dorado said.

一条剑鱼被墨西哥的非法钓鱼者用延绳钓捕获了。Hooked without a permit, a dorado —sold as mahi-mahi—was caught on an illegal longline off Mexico.

没有了重返月球的愿望,更不用说推动去传说中的黄金国火星的空间探索。There is no appetite to return to the moon, let alone push on to Mars, El Dorado of space exploration.

然而,对于已经建立的公司来说,中国似乎是未来中又一个埃尔多拉多。But for those companies who are already established, China seems set to be the new El Dorado for years to come.

神秘诱人的蛇缠绕在镀黑铬色的手镯上,并饰有富丽金色密镶水晶。An enchanting snake wraps itself around the ruthenium-plated bangle and glistens with Dorado crystals set in pavé.

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N63A位在南天星座的剑鱼座内,大小超过25光年,离我们约有十五万光年远。N63A spans over 25 light years and lies about 150,000 light years away toward the southern constellation of Dorado.

接下来,热情开始悄悄地减退,直到另一个人又重新发现这个传说中的金矿,赋予它新的名称,又一轮投资热潮开启,周而复始。The enthusiasm then slinks quietly away – until someone else discovers this El Dorado all over, gives it a new name, etc.

这张镶嵌图像丰富的视野涵盖南天剑鱼座天区的范围,约是满月的大小。The rich mosaic's field of view covers an area on the sky about the size of the full moon in the southern constellation Dorado.

在16和17世纪,欧洲人相信在新大陆的某个地方有一个黄金国,那里拥有巨大的财富。In the 16th and 17th centuries, Europeans believed that somewhere in the New World there was a place of immense wealth known as El Dorado.

中国放缓的经济增长是一个信号,这个信号在警告那些把中国当作东方的埃尔多拉多的全球奢侈品提供商,市场正在产生变化。Slowing growth in China's wealth is a warning sign for global luxury good suppliers that have viewed its market as the El Dorado of the East.

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电影中的主要人物阿基尔、乌苏亚、古兹曼、伊内兹以及弗洛雷斯都确曾是1560年从秘鲁出发寻找黄金城的一只探险队成员。The film's major characters, Aguirre, Ursúa, Guzman, Inez, and Florés, were indeed involved in a 1560 expedition that left Peru to find the city of El Dorado.

总是觉得,必定能登上某个灿烂的山顶,在落下,看到不远处的前哨黄金国那尖尖的塔顶。Soon, soon, it seems to you, you must come forth on some conspicuous hilltop, and but a little way further, against the setting sun, descry the spires of El Dorado.

当直升飞机低空掠过全球最大的未开发金矿之一时,飞行员神情黯淡地耸了耸肩。这座金矿就位于脏乱的矿业小镇埃尔多拉多南部。As the helicopter skims low over one of the largest undeveloped gold deposits in the world, just south of the ragtag mining town of El Dorado , the pilot shrugs bleakly.