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他是三角恐龙。He is a Triceratops.

三角恐龙得名于“三角蜥蜴”。Triceratops means"three-horned lizard."

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三角恐龙是食草动物。Triceratops was a plant-eating dinosaur.

三角恐龙比大象还重。Triceratops weighed more than elephants.

一只三角恐龙有三个角和一个鸟嘴。A triceratops had three horns and a beak.

一只三角恐龙大约和公共汽车一样高。A triceratops was about as tall as a school bus.

三角恐龙是进化尾端的恐龙之一。Triceratops was one of the last dinosaurs to develop.

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三角恐龙用它的角打败其他恐龙。Triceratops used their horns to fight off other dinosaurs.

它体型和三角恐龙一样,是恐龙家族的大个子。This was another large dinosaur, the same size as triceratops.

该中心展示了现实,移动霸王龙和三角龙恐龙。The center showcases realistic, moving Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops dinosaurs.

郑吒走到三角龙尸体面前拔出了审判之矛。Zheng Zha walked to the Triceratops corpse in front to pull out the pike of judgment.

一只正在觅食的三角龙被霸王龙发现,成了霸王龙的晚餐!Is feeding a Tyrannosaurus Rex Triceratops was discovered Tyrannosaurus rex has become dinner!

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研究人员认为,死亡六十五百万年前从三角龙的骨骼。The researchers believe the bone was from a Triceratops that died sixty-five million years ago.

最后是白垩纪,如雷克斯暴龙和三角龙的巨大恐龙称霸地球。At the end comes the Cretaceous, where the giants ruled, like Tyrannosaurus Rex and Triceratops.

此种恐龙的角的粗细与人的胳膊相仿,它们看上去非常类似于在其后1000万年才出现的三角恐龙头上的角。The dinosaur's horns, thick as a human arm, are like those of triceratops — which came 10 million years later.

创造一个植园守卫首先需要一丛修剪完美的熊、狮子、或三角龙造型的园艺灌木。Creating a topiary guardian begins with acquiring a perfectly sculpted topiary of a boar, lion, or triceratops.

这使得这个三角龙迄今发现的最年轻的恐龙,并在时间上最接近大的小行星的碰撞。And that makes this Triceratops the youngest dinosaur ever found, and the closest in time to the big asteroid's crash.

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结果,历经数百万年间的自然选择,形成了我们今日熟知的异特龙、梁龙、三角龙和霸王龙族群。The result, once natural selection had done its work over the course of millions of years, was the now familiar cast of Allosaurus, Diplodocus, Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus rex.