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热毒内陷脏腑时伴恶寒发热,口干渴,烦闷。Heat cellulites viscera when Chilliness with fever, mouth thirst, depressed.

尽管在家里遭受了如此多的责骂和冷遇,他还是一个可爱温柔的小孩子。Still, with all the scolding and chilliness at home, he was a sweet and gentle child.

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那时的天气是深秋时节吧,具体的实在记不清了,只是记得也是这样寒冷的天气。Is it in the deep autumn season? I can't remember clearly, but just as this chilliness.

这900个昼夜充满了令人恐惧的饥饿、死亡、寒冷和无休止的狂轰滥炸。It is the nine hundred days of horrible starvation, death, chilliness and ceaseless bombard.

高原、严寒条件下的青藏铁路昆仑山隧道施工,在多年冻土隧道施工技术、合理支护结构形式以及人员健康等方面提出了严峻挑战。Kunlun mountain tunnel of Qing Zang Railway lies in the plateau and chilliness area, its construction is a challenge to the builder.

拉登的死讯在星期一疯传的时候,中国的网络上有庆祝,但也有我没有预见到的令美国胆寒的言论。As news spread Monday, there was some celebration on the Chinese Web, but also a note of chilliness toward the U.S. than I didn't anticipate.

他感到由于不惯于夜间的凉意,四肢逐渐发僵,并且怀疑自己还能否走下刑台的台阶。He felt his limbs growing stiff with the unaccustomed chilliness of the night, and doubted whether he should be able to descend the steps of the scaffold.

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安徽省是典型的夏热冬冷型气候,建筑节能十分重要。It is importance popularizing the building energy conservation in Anhui that is a typical province with high temperature in summer and chilliness in winter.

栓皮槭和银叶椴引入北京试验地区栽培的主要限制因子是冬季的严寒和早春的霜冻及低温干燥。Primary restrictive factors for introduction of hedge maple and silver linden were chilliness in winter, frost and dryness and low temperature in early spring in Beijing.

盐分会使得水凝结成冰的温度降低,这也就意味着,尽管在火星上所谓“温暖”的时期里气温也低得吓人,但在这个星球的中纬度地区,可能有含盐的液态水季节性的存在。Saltiness lowers the temperature at which water freezes. This means seasonal salty liquid water could exist in mid-latitude regions of Mars, despite the chilliness of the planet's ‘warm’ season.