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狮子座是彻底的火相星座。Leo is Fire to the core!

太阳是狮子座的守护星。Leo is ruled by the Sun.

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雷欧在舞台上总是抢风头。Leo is a real ham on stage.

这个用户是华人。Leo. svg This user is a Leo.

狮子座。,是你的诞辰,合击。Go Leo its your bisexualrtday.

小利奥与妈妈和姥姥在一起Little Leo with mom and grandma.

也许我能成李欧老二。Maybe I could be Leo Number Two?

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但黄色是狮子座人的幸运色。But it is the lucky color of Leo.

狮子座男与金牛座女的相融性Leo Man Taurus Woman Compatibility

狮子座女和金牛座男的相融性Leo Woman Taurus Man Compatibility

雷欧是个小明星,他可以操纵自己的玩具车。Leo is a star, he can race a toy car.

我该怎么称呼你?李欧,大王?爸爸?What should I call you? Leo? King? Dad?

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克拉克和里欧相处愉快。Clark and Leo have a good time together.

五毛引导大家煮了一锅石头汤。Leo made a soup from stone which is flavor.

因此,狮子座和金牛座最配吗?So is Leo and Taurus compatibility, the best?

火相星座有山羊座,狮子座和射手座。The Fire signs is Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

你好,杰克,这学期你选治口臭偏方什么课?Hi, Jack, what leo will you take this semester?

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从占星学角度来说,我观察到土星的位子处于狮子座。Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo.

我就是典型的狮子座,忠诚却又自负。I’m a typical Leo. I’m faithful but patronizing.

没有里奥-梅西,没有茨兰坦-伊布拉希莫维奇,然而没有问题。No Leo Messi, no Zlatan Ibrahimovic, no problem.