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你的报告不够准确。Your report lacks precis ion.

用两页写出这一章的大意。Precis this chapter in two pages.

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写大纲的时候,只要把重点包括进去就可以。Include only the essential points when you write a precis.

这就是汉·索洛对他旧日伙伴的仓促概述。That was Han Solo's hurried precis on his old pal, Lando Calrissian.

对缺乏特定知识和经验的人来说,快速阅读一个简短的科学版本作为叶子色彩变化的后盾。For the uninitiated, a quick précis of the science behind changes in leaf colour.

台下的同学认真听着他娓娓道来,并做记录。Off stage schoolmate listens he tirelessly, come to, and act as a précis writer carefully.

因此,前景视觉常常被用来进行球的精确定位和机器人的自定位。So the local vision is often used for précis positioning of ball and robots'self-positioning.

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你只能把那些记录焚烧掉,让所有回忆变成泯灭掉的痕迹。You can only burn away those precis writers , let all memory become the trail disappearing away.

正是由于5月在格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯营地附近的坦克营发生叛变的详情还不清楚。PRECIS LY what happened behind the barrack gates of a Georgian tank battalion near Tbilisi on May 5th is unclear.

本文讨论了英国维多利亚时代改革的理论和实践的演变过程。Precis The aim of this thesis is to discuss the change of reform theory and reform practice in Victorian Britain.

中国对新星进行了丰富而系统的记录,这在世界上是独一无二的。China has carried out the rich but systematic precis writer on the new star , this has been unique in in the world.

所以,雌蹄兔会得到关于可能成为它们伴侣的雄蹄兔的优缺点的可靠资料。Lady hyraxes are therefore provided with a reliable précis of the strengths and weaknesses of each of their potential mates.

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因此,当应用PRECIS输出结果进行气候变化的影响评价时,需要对模式的输出结果进行订正。It is necessary to re-calibrate the outputs of PRECIS when they are used as input data for potential impacts assessment work.

因此,准确的市场定位和营销策略是明珠家园项目开发成功的关键因素。Therefore, the determining factor for the success of the Pearl Homestead Project is the precis market selection and sales strategy.

因此,准确的市场定位和营销策略是明珠家园项目开发成功的关键因素。Therefore, the determining factor for the success of the Pearly Homestead Project is the précis market selection and sales strategy.

直升机自动驾驶仪综合测试设备可以完成测试大纲所规定的单个部件测试和系统联合测试。Autopilot integrative test system can accomplish the component test and the system combine test, which are stipulated in the test precis.

它是整个作品的概述,比如所研究的问题是什么,主要论点是什么,研究结果是什么。It is a summary or precis of the whole work, outlining the problem being investigated, the main argument, and the results or conclusions reached.

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但若掌握的信息不够充分,或最佳干扰的某些参数的精度达不到要求,最佳干扰的干扰品质将受到严重的损害。However, if the information is inadequate or the parameters of the jamming are not précis enough, the quality of the kind of jamming will decline badly.

当摘要划分成部分,如上所述时,在他的纸经常要求作者提供工作的唯一句子摘要。When the Abstract is divided into sections, as described above, the author is often required to provide a single-sentence precis of the work in his paper.

启动程序后点击了两下,我就被要求给自己的小说取名,并用一句话概括主要内容,包括人物、冲突和解决冲突的方案。Two clicks after launching the program, I'm asked to name my novel and come up with a one-sentence precis that includes a character, conflict and resolution.