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空气似乎随着亮光而颤动。The air seemed to pulsate with the bright light.

淡紫色、玫瑰色和琥珀色,名种色彩开始在苍穹涌动。Hues of lavender, rose and amber begin to pulsate in the sky.

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没有了心跳,不再去爱,精神无疑就会迅速衰竭。To fail to pulsate and love is swift and certain spiritual death.

我们可以看到血管搏动他的庙宇,他变得更加愤怒。We could seetheblood vesselsinhis temple pulsate ashe became more angry.

在千万灯光和霓虹灯的照耀下。Building facades pulsate with millions of lights and glowing neon display.

这种电路可实现心率数字显示和心音放大监听。Pulsate rate of the heart can be displayed in digital method and monitored.

他相信光子循光的方向做有规律跳动。Grosskopf himself believes that photons "pulsate" in the direction of light.

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在这个让人产生错觉的图案中,心好像在动,甚至是随着目光的移动而均匀地游动。In this illusion, the heart appears to move and even pulsate as you look around the image.

将弹性因子与壁运动诸项指标进行简单直线相关分析及多元线性回归分析。Elastic factor and indexes of CCA walls pulsate were disposed by Bivarite Correlations Analyze and Linear Regression Analyze.

因为按照熊氏理论,这样低光度的红星其脉动周期不可能长于0.1天。This is because according to Xiong's theory, a red star at such low luminosity can not pulsate at a period longer than 0.1 day.

当你闭上你的双眼并沉浸于你的想象中时,你感知到一股柔和带着光芒的暖流开始环绕并跳动在你身体周围。As you close your eyes and tune in to your imagination, you sense a soft glowing warmth begin to surround and pulsate around your body.

沿着一排通常被称为闪光峡谷的闹市赌城区,在百万灯火及霓虹灯的闪耀下,建筑的表面律动着。Along a downtown casino row that's often called Glitter Gulch, building facades pulsate with millions of lights and glowing neon displays.

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“恒星的结构和成分是怎样决定它的跳动,”Provencal说,“去年,WD1524就完全改变了它的跳动方式。"How stars pulsate depends on their structure and composition, " says Provencal. "Last year, WD1524 completely changed how it was pulsating.

在管壳式换热器前安装自激振荡腔,使流体流经自激振荡腔产生脉动流动,从而实现管壳式换热器的强化传热。The heat transfer can be enhanced by puffing self-excited oscillate chamber which can make the water pulsate before shell and tube heat exchanger.

但对节流孔在小开度时流量容易脉动的原因,以及液压泵减振槽角度对液压泵性能的影响,分析并不多见。But why the flow rate easy to pulsate at small opening of orifice, and how about the damping groove angle influent the hydraulic pump performance, the study is rare.

傍晚时分,村里人,邻村人以及民工们在村里的广场上一起跳舞,这是一个位于15层高的,闪烁着五颜六色霓虹灯的塔楼群间的巨大的水泥广场。In the evening, locals, neighbours and migrants gather to dance on the village square, a huge expanse of concrete between 15-storey pagodas that pulsate pink, blue, green and yellow.

高速水流中的水流脉动对水工建筑物的安全运行存在很大的影响,水流脉动压强的特征值一般需通过水工模型试验确定。The pulsate pressure in high speed flow water will influence the safety of water construction, and the eigenvalue of the pulsate pressure should be confirmed by hydraulic model testing.

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为了测量发动机进、排气管内气流的脉动流动特性,对自行设计的对气流起稳压作用的阻尼稳压箱进行了研究。The effect of stabilizing pressure of a stable pressure box with damping line of the air flow is studied in order to measure the pulsate flow ability of air at the intake and exhaust pipes of engine.