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病人诉说他食欲不振。The patient complained of inappetence.

食欲不振,上腹部有不适感。Inappetence , epigastrium has unwell feeling.

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病人诉说他食欲不振和呕吐。The patient complained of inappetence and nausea.

其他症状包括跛行、食欲不振、腹泻及高烧。Other symptoms of disease include lameness, inappetence , diarrhoea and a high temperature.

服药期间出现食欲不振,恶心呕吐,腹胀便溏者应去医院就诊。Go to see a doctor when inappetence and nausea , distention and loose stools appear as using this drug.

最近半年总感觉头胀,颅骨往上顶。还伴有食欲不振。Half an year always feels a head to bilge recently, skull upgrade supports. Return companion to have inappetence.

临床表现为面色苍白,精神萎靡,食欲不振,乏力等慢性贫血症状。Clinical expression is complexion cadaverous, spirit is dispirited, inappetence , lack of power wait for chronic and anaemic symptom.

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头晕脑怅,食欲不振,精神欠佳!是什么原因?要吃什么药啊,要打针吗?Giddy head disappointed, inappetence , spirit owes beautiful! What reason be? Should take what drug, should give or take an injection?

此方适应于脾虚倦怠、四肢乏力、食欲不振、中气虚弱等症。This just suits at lienal empty listless, limb is lack of power, inappetence , medium deficiency of vital energy is weak wait for disease.

本文分析了引起母兔食仔的原因,提出了相应的防治措施。The reasons of does' inappetence behavior were analysed. On this premise, inappropriate preventing measures were put forward in this paper.

用于幼龄怀孕哺乳高龄期产后母体及病后康复期偏食挑食食欲不振的犬猫。For dogs and cats that is young, pregnant, nurse, aged, period of postnatal maternal recovery and rehabilitation , partial eclipse food avoidance , inappetence.

厌食,其实是指由于不良的饮食习惯或各种急、慢性疾病引起的食欲不振,食量显著减少。Anorexia, it is to as a result of, point to actually undesirable dietary habit or the inappetence that all sorts of urgent, chronic illnesses cause, appetite decreases significantly.