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她上星期买了一辆桑塔那汽车。She bought a Santana last week.

后来他又买了第二辆车,是一架大众桑塔纳。He has since bought a second car, a VW Santana.

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2004年11月10日晚,国家主席胡锦涛在葡萄牙北部城市波尔图会见了葡萄牙总理洛佩斯。Pedro Santana Lopes in the northern city of Porto.

上海大众生产的第一百万辆桑塔纳系列轿车下线。SVW's 1,000,000th Santana car rolled off the line.

上海的汽车工厂生产一种叫桑塔纳的新型汽车。The car factory in Shanghai produces a new car called Santana.

但是直至今日捷达和桑塔纳还是在产。But Jetta A2 and Santana B2 are still in production even today.

桑塔纳的基础上,原来的帕萨特B2加长100毫米。Santana on the basis of the original Passat B2 lengthened 100mm.

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关于桑塔纳这类车辆的制动系统,也是液压制动。Santana of these vehicles on the braking system is hydraulic brake.

某大众试验车行驶8.6万公里后其主动轴螺旋齿断裂。After a tested Santana Car ran over 86000km its drive shaft skew tooth broke.

桑塔纳不久卷土重来,他的近距离大力头球轰门弹地后击中横梁而出。Then Santana powered a header downwards from close range and the ball hit the bar.

利用V.A.G1552测试仪的数据流功能诊断桑塔纳轿车故障。Trouble Diagnosis of Santana Car by Data Flow Function of V. A. G1552 Measuring Apparatus.

有些人也认为,双城持续紧握桑塔那是一件高风险的行为,因为他的合约中有不准交易条款。Some also believe hanging onto Santana would be a risk because he has a full no-trade clause.

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谁知桑塔纳见财起意,与林奇勾结在一起,再次向鲁滨逊的树屋发起了攻击。Who knows santana JianCaiQiYi, in collusion with lynch, launched an attack to Robinson tree house again.

目击者称,一辆车在前面别住桑塔纳,另一车撞上来,桑塔纳凌空翻起,撞到民房。Witnesses say, a car in front of pinned Santana, another car, Santana volley turned up, ran into the house.

上海大众桑塔纳2000型轿车下线,上海大众汽车二厂全面竣工。The first unit of Santana 2000 rolled off the line and SVW Car Plant 2 was completed and putsintosoperation.

不论是为危地马拉宪法摇旗呐喊,还是为钟爱的乐队桑塔纳大声叫好,他都是如此表现。It didn’t matter if he was advocating the virtues of the Guatemalan constitution or of his favorite band, Santana.

明尼阿波利斯市明星论坛报的乔克里史丹森在他的部落格里对桑坦那有一个很好的分析。Joe Christensen of the Star Tribune in Minneapolis has a good breakdown of the Johan Santana situation in his blog.

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在数月间FBI追踪他们的网络帖子和运动后德勒昂,桑塔纳和格加利在周五被逮捕归案。Deleon, Santana and Gojali were arrested on Friday after the FBI tracked their web postings and movements for months.

为了准确的报价,请你告诉我桑塔纳厚板的厚度是多少,内橡皮与外橡皮要不要。To give you the accurate quotation, pls tell me the thickness of Santana panel with or without inside and outside ruber?

“我们认为如果有了这些简单合理的要求,就能够保证今晚街上的安全了。”桑塔纳说。"If we could have these simple, reasonable requests, we think we can assure safety in the streets tonight, " Santana said.