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砚发端于新石器时代。Inkstone originated in Neolithic age.

这些书里称它为新石器革命。They call it the Neolithic Revolution.

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第二部分,新石器时代三种考古学文化。The second part is about three archeology cultures of Neolithic.

奥克尼群岛是十分珍贵的新石器时代遗址。The Orkney Islands are a neolithic site of extraordinary richness.

考古学家挖掘出一些有趣的新石器时代的遗迹。The archaeologists have dug up some interesting Neolithic remains.

远在新石器时代,孔雀河流域就已有人类活动。In the Neolithic far, Kongquehe human activities have on the basin.

中国新石器时代居民的平均期望寿命约为19.99岁。The average age of population in Chinese Neolithic Age is 19.99 years.

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在迷人的奥克尼郡和设德兰群岛上充满神奇色彩的史前标记。Note mysterious Neolithic history in the magical Orkney and Shetland Lsles.

裴李岗文化是分布于河洛地区的一支新石器时代中期文化。Peiligang Culture is a middle Neolithic Culture distributing in Heluo Area.

仰韶文化是距今约5000~7000年中国新石器时代的一种文化。Yangshao culture is now about 5000 to 7000 of a Neolithic culture in China.

河间历史悠久,从新石器时代晚期就有人类居住。Hejian a long history of human habitation there from the late Neolithic Age.

龙这种形象大约起源于新石器时代早期。The image of the dragon probably originated from the early Neolithic period.

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在新石器时代出土玉器种类中,玉琮占有一席之地。Jade Cong plays an important role in the jade articles from the Neolithic Age.

新石器时代的丝织还处于发轫阶段,不染色,也没有图案。The silk is still in the Neolithic period Faren, non-staining, and no pattern.

马涧杨梅,历史悠久,早在新石器时代就有野生栽培。Red bayberry cultivating in Majian has a long history, as early as Neolithic Age.

说明当时已进入铜石并用阶段,属新石器时代晚期。At that time, that has entered the stage with copper and stone, a late Neolithic Age.

哥贝克力山顶遗迹为这片区域是复杂的新石器时代社会的真正起源的观点提供了有力的证据。You can make a good case this area is the real origin of complex Neolithic societies.

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茶文化是在我国新石器时代中期或晚期起源于巴蜀。Tea culture was inferentially traceable to Sichuan at the middle or late Neolithic Age.

半坡遗址是一个典型的仰韶文化村落遗址。Banpo is a typical site of the Yangshao Culture which belonged to China's Neolithic Age.

新石器时代,蚕的养殖和丝绸的生产,就已经开始了。During Neolithic Period, people have already begun breeding silkworm and producing silk.