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不要照背课本中的东西。Don't regurgitate the stuff given in the textbook.

窒息,作呕,因为痉挛使人反胃、想吐。Choke retch or have a spasm causing one to regurgitate.

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如果回答是“不”,那么你也仅是在欣赏一种“反刍”事实的能力。If not, then you may simply appreciate an ability to regurgitate facts.

他的成功标准就是学生反刍事实数据的能力。His measure of success is his students' capacity to regurgitate factual data.

伴随腹部充满的小鱼,但它们将回涌一部分给等候的小企鹅。With bellies full of small fish, they will regurgitate a portion for waiting chicks.

直到,你用草图来回放它,让你的视觉系统再解释它。until, that is, you regurgitate it as a sketch, allowing re-interpretation by your visual system.

父母都会孵蛋,而且都会吃掉肉然后再反哺给它们的幼鸟。Both parents incubate the egg, and they both eat and then regurgitate the meat they serve their baby.

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现在您可以看到如果只是返回这个输入而不使用任何类型的过滤将会发生什么情况。Now you can see what will happen when you simply regurgitate this input without using filtering of any kind.

在授课时将会探讨该周的主要课题,但不会溯及指定阅读的书目。The lectures will delve into the primary topic for the week but they will not regurgitate the reading assignment.

你的角色并非仅仅重复转达这些报道,而是要使其增值、把自己对这些报道的深刻领悟和见解传递给客户。Your role here is not merely to regurgitate what has been reported, but to add value and bring insights to your clients.

你终年坐在教室里,然后,年底有一天,你把所学的一切都倒出来,也就结束了。You sit in class all year, and one day at the end of the year you regurgitate everything you learned, and that’s the end of it.

当雌性的回报和满腹的粮食倒流给雏鸟,雄性转而为他自己的喂养时期在海上。When the female returns with a bellyful of food to regurgitate for the chick, the male heads off for his own feeding session at sea.

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当雌性带着丰富的食物回来,吐给小企鹅吃时,雄性才离开,去海里为自己寻找食物。When the female returns with a bellyful of food to regurgitate for the chick, the male heads off for his own feeding session at sea.

很多博客反刍同样的信息,尽管对于同一信息发表不同的观点很酷,但多数博客最终发表了类似的内容。Many blogs regurgitate the same information and while its cool to see different viewpoints on the same topic, a lot of blogs end up publishing similar content.

没有任何情况需要你坐在拥挤不堪的教室里,为集中注意力而眯起眼睛,或者一字不漏地背出晦涩、荒唐的具体事实。There are no cases in which you have to sit down in a crowded room, scrunch your eyes up in concentration and regurgitate obscure and ridiculous facts from memory.

这些鸟通常在海洋上铺散开来,在很大的面积内觅食,然后返回它们自己的领域内反刍,排便,有时候会死去。The birds generally spread out and feed in a large area of ocean, returning to relatively small colonies where the birds regurgitate food, defecate and sometimes die.

母乳瓶喂宝宝比亲喂宝宝更容易溢奶,或不能达到很好的平衡来吸收前奶和后奶。Bottle- fed infants more often regurgitate some quantity of a feed , or get a less than perfect balance of fore and hind milk than they might if feeding directly from the breast.

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学生要进入顶尖大学,通常得在学校度过大部分童年时光,在那里一遍遍死记硬背大量的资料和数字。Admission to a top university often requires students to toil away much of their childhood at evening cram schools, where they learn how to regurgitate reams of facts and figures.