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但他们误读了形势。They misread the situation.

你一定读错表了。You must have misread the watch.

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我犯了一个错误,我误解了你的问题。I made a mistake. I misread what you were asking.

她待人的态度常被误解为冷漠。Her behaviour was usually misread as indifference.

信上的日期是5月16日,可我错看成14日了。The letter was dated May 16th but I misread it as 14th.

它让她的感觉就好像她误解的那个夜晚。It left her feeling as though she had misread the evening.

通常直到行动前最后一秒,军方和平民彼此都误读了对方。Often with only seconds to act, troops and civilians misread each other.

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将军对敌人的意图判断错误,没有预见到那次进攻。The general misread the enemy's intentions, and didn't anticipate the attack.

观察事物时超然物外,有时会被误认为不喜欢或不感兴趣。Engaging in detached observation which can be misread as dislike or disapproval.

但是马诺自己说她被误解了,人们没有必要对一个娱乐节目那么认真。But Ma said she was misread and there is no need to be serious in an entertainment program.

埃及民众已表示出感激,但将军们不应误读人民的热情。Egyptians have expressed their gratitude, but the generals should not misread that enthusiasm.

即使在2007年8月银行同业拆借市场受到冲击时,宏观经济学家仍然低估了这一事件所预示的危险。Even after the seizure in interbank markets in August 2007, macroeconomists misread the danger.

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在应该仔细观察之刻,浮光掠影而过就会导致我们误判形势。We misread a situation because we are skimming it, when what we should be doing is perusing it.

在我们相处的时候,他没有说过一个笑话,而且在我们说笑话的时候还对我们有所误解。In our hours together, he didn't attempt a joke, and he misread several of our attempts at playfulness.

伊朗政府致命地误判自己的民意,如今必须在出兵镇压或让步妥协之间作出抉择。Having fatally misread its own people, Iran’s government must now decide whether to back down or to crack down.

千禧年主义教导人去错读和错解圣经,把人的臆测置于高于神所启示的真理。Millennialism teaches people to misread and misunderstand the Bible and rank human speculation over God-given truth.

测风记录的误读,是由分数误及整数误组成。The misread of the wind observation data consists of the misread of the fractional number and that of the integral number.

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当银根紧绌的警告红旗可以放置在我们心中的保护和反馈意见,可以很容易误解。When money is tight red flags of warning can be placed over our protective hearts and feedback comments can be easily misread.

当他下单订做他的定制便鞋时,中国制造商错将“14.5号”看成了1450号,做了一只7英尺长的鞋出来。When he ordered his custom slipper, the manufacturers in China misread "size 14.5" and instead built a size 1, 450 measuring 7ft long.

但是,二者皆以残缺不全的对象“荆公新学”误读了历史真实的整体对象?“王学”。But with incomplete research object-Jinggong-Xinxue, both have misread the real historical complete research object-the Wang scholarship.