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甚至我们的最周密安排的计划也可能产生适得其反的结果。Even our most carefully laid plans may backfire.

把顾问团当成推广工具会适得其反Using an Advisory Board as a Promo Tool Will Backfire

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学聪明点吧,不要自讨没趣。Studies the intelligent spot, do not have a joke backfire.

如果你说的话本身就不具可信性,就只能适得其反了。If what you’re saying is not compelling, it could backfire.

在那段时间,沃尔玛的革新开始了。Around that time, Wal-Mart's renovation started to backfire.

这有可能改变北韩的行为,但是也可能事与愿违。That may change the North’s behavior, but it could backfire.

此外,人们可能要说,这会起反作用On the other hand, some people say, well that would backfire.

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该奖项对获奖者和他们的事业所带来的影响可能适得其反。The prize can backfire against the honorees and their causes.

不过,经济学家警告说龟井静香的计划可能会适得其反。Still, economists warned that Mr. Kamei's plans might backfire.

心术不正的人权外交可能适得其反。Indeed, half-hearted human-rights diplomacy can backfire nastily.

而塔利班撕破交易反戈一击才是更大的威胁。The greater danger is that the Taliban deal-making could backfire.

历史教训显示,采取强硬的财政纪律可能会招致反效果.History shows that getting tough of fiscal discipline can backfire.

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艾尔莎公主还遭到魔力反噬,用冰锥刺穿了自己。The princess's powers backfire and she impales herself on an icicle.

胜利,对于布什总统和国际主义者来说。A victory for Mr Bush and the internationalists could easily backfire.

在熄灭或控制森林大火蔓延中燃起或使用逆火。To start or use a backfire in extinguishing or controlling a forest fire.

在会计等行业领域,提出过多全球举措可能会造成反效果。In areas such as accounting, over-prescribed global measures could backfire.

在现实生活中,我们常自认为自己的想法才是最好的,但往往事与愿违。In real life, we often think of himself is the best idea, but often backfire.

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另一方面,如果附加说明的内容含有过多的排斥性,那么有可能会产生相反的效果。On the other hand, having rigid specs can backfire if they are too exclusionary.

想要找到女朋友是很正常的,但过早表露这种想法只会适得其反。Wanting to get a girlfriend is fine, but expressing this early on will only backfire.

研究人员说,本身很富有的观察者若看到俗丽的服装效果反而会适得其反。The researchers say that a gaudy outfit will probably backfire with wealthy observers.