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这是一封遮遮掩掩的化缘信吗?Was this a veiled begging letter?

蒙着面纱的神秘的毁灭命运在诱惑你。The veiled face of dark doom lures you.

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我认为那含蓄的战争恫吓是吓唬人的。I thought the veiled threat of war was bluff.

夜幕又一次覆罩着主力部队。Night once more veiled the Main Striking Force.

他们也都几乎没有遮掩的自画像。They are also all thinly veiled self-portraits.

敌意是由于他出言过于粗率而造成的。There was a barely veiled hostility in her tone.

又重盖满了青草和苔藓And veiled the scar with grass and moss once more

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他看见用翅膀遮脸的天使围绕著宝座。He saw the veiled workers or angels around the throne.

那边山脉笼罩在朦胧紫雾中。The mountains beyond are veiled in a dreamy purple haze.

热病,那是一个借口,劳拉的脸变得煞白。That was a veiled reference to the fever, and Nora paled.

“我买不起”这是掩饰消极思想的一个好例子。“I can’t afford it” is a good example of a veiled negative.

事实上这个路人皆知的宣传在昨天的文章中就有了。Actually that thinly veiled propaganda was in yesterdays article.

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那种光却是柔和的,涵容在一种无可言喻的半明半暗的光里。It remained, however, gentle and veiled in an ineffable half-light.

恽寿平也曾在一句寓意诗中委婉地表达政治见解。Yun Shouping also had a congenial line in veiled political comment.

另外,双方的口舌之战也愈演愈烈,有时甚至是不加掩饰的威胁。Added to that has been a raging war of words and thinly veiled threats.

蒙着宇宙尘埃的银河拱悬于毛伊岛的哈雷阿卡拉火山口上空。Veiled by cosmic dust, the Milky Way arches over Haleakala Crater on Maui.

一个明亮的载着面纱的女人,参观拉贾斯坦邦比卡内尔卡的尔尼马塔寺庙。A brightly veiled woman visits the Karni Mata temple in Bikaner, Rajasthan.

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突然我看见阿尔罗伊夫人在我的前面,蒙着厚厚的面纱,走得很快。Suddenly I saw in front of me Lady Alroy , deeply veiled and walking very fast.

的主要特征,默里布莱恩是,在很多方面,一个暗藏菲茨杰拉德。The main character, Amory Blaine, is, in many ways, a thinly veiled Fitzgerald.

海明威是一位风格独特的作家,他的小说语言含蓄简约、明快而又质朴无华。Hemingway, a great and unique novelist, creates a concise and veiled writing style.