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猪场A的面积有多大?How big is Pigsty A?

这地方跟猪圈一样。This place is a pigsty.

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猪圈里有许多猪。There are many pigs in the pigsty.

下一件事,收发室像个猪圈。Next thing is, the mail room is a pigsty.

他把大石块堆在房子前开始垒猪圈。He laid big stones at his house and began to build a pigsty.

好吧,时间到。哪组愿意告诉我们猪场A的面积是多大?All Right. Time is up. Which group would like to tell us how big Pigsty A is?

但是他描述的猪圈生活让我们觉得非常熟悉。But he paints life in a pigsty in such a way that we feel we have been there far too long.

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大概你非得把自己的家搞成猪圈才能交朋友——在这个现代世界上。I suppose you've got to make your house into a pigsty in order to have any friends—in the modern world.

培育栏一般都是采用金属、塑料漏粪地板,猪栏的结构型式分栏栅式和实体两种。Foster column is usually adopts metal, plastic floor, leakage dung pigsty structure points and two entities fencing.

坐在外面的猪圈里面,看起来,我们只能看见她的头站略高于猪圈。Sitting outside of the pigsty and looking inside, we could see only her head standing a little higher than the pigsty.

他们是许多年前人们在奥哈拉家猪圈里发现在一批理藏的来福枪之到美国的。They had come to America years before, after the discovery of a small arsenal of rifles buried under the O'Hara pigsty.

他们是许多年前人们在奥哈拉家猪圈里发现在一批理藏的来福枪之到美国的。They had come to America years before, after the discovery of a small arsenal of rifles buried under the O’Hara pigsty.

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很多年前,埋在奥哈拉家猪圈下的一个小武器库被发现后,他们就去了美国。They had come to America years before, after the discovery of a small arsenal of rifles buried under the O' Haras pigsty.

因此,我从不认为安逸和快乐本身是最终所求,我把这种理想准则称之为“猪舍里的理想”。In this sense I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves this ethical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty.

在这个意义上,我从不认为安逸和快乐就是目标所在,我把这种理念称之为猪栏的理想。In this sense I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves- this ethical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty.

随着电子技术的不断发展,规模化养殖猪舍环境控制系统正朝着智能化的方向发展。With the continuous development of electronic technology, pigsty enviromental control system become more and more intellectualized.

对我说说你自己和你房子等情况。我会在适当的时候对你说的。但现在,我只想让你离开这个邋遢地方。Tell me all about yourself and your house and everything. I will in good time. Right now, I'm only interested in getting your out of this pigsty.

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沼气池与畜禽舍、厕所三结合,形成物流、能流循环利用的可持续发展的生态农业模式。Combined with methane tank, pigsty and toilet, it forms an ecological agriculture mode of sustainable development and circular utilization of material and energy.

他也不喜欢父母把他的住屋当成浴室,弄得屋子里空气湿浊,电灯泡上爬满了水珠,他晚上睡觉时感觉是睡在猪圈里。He hated using his room as a "bathroom, " which made the air damp, covering the bulb with dewy beads. At night as he slept, he felt as though he were in a pigsty.

猪圈底层预先铺设一层包含了菌种微生物的特制秸秆、锯末垫层,厚达70到80厘米,非常松软。The bottom of the pigsty is especially pre-installed with a layer of straw on sawdust bedding, containing the bacteria micro-organisms, 70-80 cm in thickness, very soft.