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我们有大片的耕地。We have a vast expanse of cultivable land.

因此觉察是某种不可培养的东西。So awareness is something that is not cultivable.

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这样就提供了有关扩大可耕地面积的宝贵数据。This has provided valuable data for extension of cultivable land.

那供水系统呢,能耕种的土地和可获得的工作呢?What about water supply, the availability of cultivable land or jobs?

尽管中国有大量耕地,但灌溉水资源不足。While China has plenty of cultivable land, it does not have a lot of water.

与此同时,世界人均耕地正在减少。At the same time, the world's available cultivable land per person is declining.

中国的耕地面积只占世界耕地面积的百分之七。And China's arable, cultivable acres make up only seven per cent of the world's total acreage.

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揭示了现阶段阻碍农户农地流转行为的经济因素与社会因素。The economic and social factors blocking the current cultivable land transfer have also been disclosed.

经过几百年的筑堤排水,人们已经在这些地方安居乐业了。Over the centuries it was protected by dikes and later drained, making the land cultivable and habitable.

这个始于2005年的项目的目标是到2009年底覆盖200万英亩的土地,这大约是这个邦的可耕地数量的1/10。The project, which started in 2005, aims to cover two million acres by the end of 2009, about a tenth of the state's cultivable area.

城镇作为现代经济生活的主载体,对经济发展的作用巨大,然而城镇的建设与发展又是要占用大量农田资源。As the mainstream of modern economy, city plays a critical role for economic development, but it also has to take up much resources of cultivable land.

中国作为世界最大的土豆生产国,农业专家们已经提出建议,使土豆成为国家大部分可耕地中的主要粮食作物。In China, the biggest potato planting country in the world, agricultural experts have suggested plant potatoes in most of the cultivable lands as the main crops.

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工业国可耕地的数量或多或少是固定的,因此高的农场价格和农业高收入所造成的过度需求将会抬高地租。The stock of cultivable land in industrial countries is more or less fixed, so excess demand resulting from high farm prices and incomes will tend to bid up land rent.

如何利用有限的耕地面积,在不影响生态平衡和控制生产成本的前提下,使单产达到一个新的水平,就显得尤其重要。It is important that how to employ limited cultivable areas to make per unit yield attain maximum without influencing ecological system and controlling production cost.

在地球的某一端,国家如以色列正通过灌溉把荒芜的沙漠转变成可耕作的农田,热带雨林正在遭受破坏。When at one end of the world, countries like Israel are turning barren deserts into cultivable farmland by irrigation, the rainforests in the tropics are being destroyed.

施粪土壤中的可培养细菌总数比未施粪肥空白土高,但伊红美兰平板上显示其细菌的菌落形态多样性减少。The number of cultivable bacteria was also larger in manure application soil, but the kinds of morphology of microorganism colony in EMB plate decreased compared to control soil.

由于数学语言在数学交流能力培养方面的重要作用,文章还就此进行了论述,并给出了实验课例。Because mathematical linguistics plays an important role in the cultivable aspects of mathematics communication ability, this thesis treats of it, and has given its experimental example.

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利用我国南方稻区214站1961—2009年逐日气象资料,研究气候变化对南方水稻可种植区的影响。Using the daily weather data from 214 stations over southern China rice growing area during 1961-2009, impact of global warming on the rice cultivable area in southern China was studied.

试验结果表明,以菌落特征的差异来挑选不同的菌株作为分析细菌多样性的第一个筛选步骤,会大大低估可培养异养细菌的多样性。The conclusion is that using the differences of colony characteristics as the first step of pick-up of isolates will greatly underestimate the diversity of cultivable heterotrophic bacteria.

这些降解微生物都来自于小部份可培养微生物,对于大部份未可培养降解微生物,通常在实验室条件下很难得到。These microbes capable of degrading organic pollutants only come from a small portion of cultivable microbes, but a large portion of uncultured ones cannot be obtained easily under lab conditions.