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此外,他们开始提到的信仰,其中有迄今为止了不起的沉默。Besides, they begin to mention faith, of which there was heretofore marvelous silence.

目前为止国内外尚未见到有关大鼠肝细胞外向钾电流方面的报道。Heretofore no reports are available on the outward potassium currents in rat hepatocytes.

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因此,技术培训是必需的。Heretofore unforeseen technical training therefore becomes a requirement in many projects.

在复杂的欧洲各国体系中,我们保持独立。Of the complicated European systems of national polity we have heretofore been independent.

他们报告说,云是影响气候的一个重要因素,但迄今为止没有进行过研究。They reported that clouds are an important and heretofore uninvestigated contributor to the climate.

到目前为止,这个国家遭遇到的突如其来的不幸都是由动员社会力量来解决的。Heretofore in this country sudden crises of misfortune have been met by a mobilization of social power.

19年34周1天59分之后,也就是所谓的"现在",小Ned成为了一个专做水果派的糕点师。It's 19 years, 34 weeks, 1 day and 59 minutes later, heretofore known as "Now." Young Ned has become The Pie Maker.

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19年34周1天59分之后,也就是所谓的"现在",小Ned成为了一个专做水果派的糕点师。It's 19 years, 34 weeks, 1 day and 59 minutes later, heretofore known as "Now." Young Ned has become The Pie Maker.

直到此时,新郎新娘终于在牧师的主持下互换戒指,相互宣读婚誓。Heretofore , bridegroom bride is in eventually of the priest direct next crossing-over ring, oath of marriage of mutual read out.

这个在充满恒星的旋臂之外出现的巨大的尘埃云团完全出乎科学家的预料,为银河系外的天文学研究提供的新的课题。The heretofore unexpected extent of dust beyond the starry limits of the arms, shows new areas for extragalactic astronomical study.

事实证明,在这两个伙伴之间,同以往一样,在同一基础上重建同一程度的亲密关系,并不困难。It proved not difficult to re-establish the intimacy of the two companions, on the same footing and in the same degree as heretofore.

事实上,四川阿坝茂县这个村子里的人,迄今还住在国家提供的板房里。In fact, sichuan A dam luxuriant county the person in this village, heretofore still lives in the board room that the country provides.

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现在,进入你的内室,还是坐在那个座位上,保持和从前同样的姿势,让心神安歇在一个舒适甜美的所在。Now, go to your room, take the same seat, the same position as heretofore , and mentally select a place which has pleasant associations.

在此之前,人们试图为预制盥洗室装配一些部件以降低把盥洗室渐入住所的成本。Attempts have been made heretofore to provide prefabricated bathrooms with the object of lowering the cost of building a bathroom into a dwelling.

作为整体重组计划的组成部分,在此之前由英美烟草拉脱维亚公司制造的卷烟,如今将由公司在欧洲的其他烟厂制造。Cigarettes heretofore made by British American Tobacco Latvia will now be made by other plants in Europe as part of an overall reorganization plan.

完全相信我至今为止所受到的同胞们普遍的坦诚和慷慨宽容会延续下去With full confidence in the continuance of that candor and generous indulgence from my fellow_citizens at large which I have heretofore experienced

北极冰帽融化正引起全世界的关注,它有可能改变该地区的地缘政治平衡,这种平衡长期以来因冰冻而固定。Melting of the polar ice cap is a global concern because it has the potential to alter the geopolitical balance in the Arctic heretofore frozen in time.

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当他为顾客在银匙上刻姓名时,他不再用构成他以前这类作品特色的各种别出心裁的花体字了。When employed to engrave names on silver spoons, he now omitted a variety of fanciful flourishes that had heretofore distinguished his work in this kind.

这些遗传工具先对新,为研究者提供迄今为止空前的方法,该方法精确定位和操纵遗传活动。These genetic tools are relatively new and have provided researchers with a heretofore unprecedented ways to precisely target and manipulate genetic activity.

因此,有些研究者推测,两种人发生冲突后,入侵者的创造潜力因而惊蛰启动。Some researchers have thus surmised that confrontation between the two populations awakened in the invaders a creative ability that had heretofore lain dormant.