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静脉吸毒者中CX3CR1-249基因频率存在明显的种族差异,维吾尔族高于汉族。The gene frequency of CX3CR1-249 is higher in Uigur ethnic origin than in Han IDUs.

美丽可爱的维吾尔族姑娘和善良的小伙子。The Uigur minority miss of the beauty amiability kind and genial and good young man.

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然而,他们也不能阻止汉族义警组织袭击维吾尔族人。But even they weren't able to stop vigilante group of Han Chinese attacking Uigur men.

他大声疾呼是因为土耳其是维吾尔穆斯林的宗教盟友。He was speaking out, he said because the Turks are the ethnic brothers of the Turkic Muslim Uigur.

本文提出了将三阶隐马尔可夫模型运用到维吾尔语词性标注中的方法。This paper describes a method of uigur part-of-speech tagging with third-order Hidden Markov Model.

栗智对穆斯林维吾尔族和汉人社区之间的冲突进行谴责。The party boss Li Zhi blamed the riots on groups within the Muslim Uigur and Han Chinese communities.

而维吾尔族组去除体质量指数因素后无任何因素能够进入方程。However, not a factor could be introduced into the equation after exclusion of BMI in hypertensive Uigur people.

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结论维吾尔族正常成年人骨股上段结构有其特点,可为临床应用提供依据。Objective To provide the morphological data of proximal femurs of normal Uigur adults in Xinjiang uygur autonomous region.

本文区别了现代维吾尔语中的格形式和格关系,讨论了维语格关系问题。The paper distinguishes between the case form and the case relation in modern Uigur, and discusses the Uigur case relations.

维吾尔族、汉族宫颈癌的发病率不同,有明显的临床流行病学差异。It has obviously different characteristics of clinical epidemiology on the incidence rate of cervical cancer between Uigur and Han.

在中国西部种族暴动中的死亡人口增至184人,其中包括中国汉族人和维吾尔族人。The death toll from ethnic rioting in western China grows to 184 people, with a mix of dominant ethnic Han Chinese group and Uigur s.

在简介少数民族文字特征的基础上,提出了设计的关键技术难点和应达到的目标。Based on a brief introduction to characters of the Uigur language, the key technical troubles of design and the proper goals are given.

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现代锡伯语口语指以新疆维吾尔自治区察布查尔锡伯自治县为中心使用的锡伯语。Modern Sibo spoken language refers to the Sibo language that used in Chabuchar Sibo Autonomous County, Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous District.

本文对汉维复句中常用关联词语的类型、用法、意义表达和使用频率作了对比分析。The essay makes a contrastive study of the types, uses, expression of meaning and frequency of use of the Han and Uigur clause-connecting conjunctions.

本文从学术思想、文学艺术、成因探讨方面论述元代维吾尔人对中华传统文化的贡献。The paper reveals the contributions made by the Uigur people to the Chinese traditional culture in the fields of academic thoughts, literature and art.

新疆地处内陆干旱区,是我国现代冰川面积分布最广的地区之一。Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region is located in the inland arid region in the northwestern China, in which there are a large number of mountain glaciers.

因此,成为维吾尔族“双语生”数学学习的难点。文章是在这个背景下进行的一项调查研究。Within this context, this thesis conducted an investigation into the effect of language factors on Junior One Uigur bilingual students' mathematics learning.

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新疆维吾尔自治区位于祖国的西北部,亚欧大陆腹地,是古“丝绸之路”的重要通道。Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region, locating in the hinterland of the Eurasia and lying in the northwestern part of China, is the most significant routeway of the Silk Road.

新疆维吾尔自治区,定位在欧亚大陆的腹地,趴在中国的西北部,是丝绸之路的最关键的要塞。Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region, locating in the hinterland of the Eurasia and lying in the northwestern part of China, is the most significant route way of the Silk Road.

中国政府,特别是新疆维吾尔自治区将努力发展同吉尔吉斯在经贸等各个领域的合作。The Chinese government, especially the Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region, would endeavor to develop cooperation with Kirghizia in various fields such as economy and trade, etc.