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然后,我们走进一家美发店。Then he went into a hairdressing store.

我上理发厅去做了一个新发式。I went to a hairdressing salon and had a new hair-do.

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在黛比家附近新开了一家发廊。A new hairdressing salon has opened near Debbie's home.

本实用新型是一种一次性使用的理发围兜。The utility model relates to a disposable hairdressing apron.

化妆品中的刺激性物质是美容的大敌。The excitant material in cosmetic is the archenemy of hairdressing.

脸上因为出豆豆变坏了可以去美容吗?。On the face because give fabaceous beans addle can you go hairdressing?

去美容店里洗脸对除豆豆有帮助吗?Go washing a face in hairdressing inn helpful to dividing fabaceous beans?

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记得早点睡哟,10点睡的可是美容觉。Remember sleeping earlier oh, slept at 10 o'clock but hairdressing becomes aware.

温柔体贴的皇室桑拿、技艺精湛的美容厅供您放松身心,信心倍增。The gentleness and consideration of sauna and the consummate skills of beauty and hairdressing.

目前全国各地的整形美容医院都陆续开展了这一手术。At present the orthopedics hairdressing hospitals around the country conducted this in all a surgery.

脸上的小痣在一般的小型美容连锁店可以去掉么?It is OK that the small mole on the face interlinks inn in general small-sized hairdressing take out?

公司技术力量雄厚、创造经验丰富,为美容美发行业提供优质服务。Strong technical force, and create experience to provide quality services for the hairdressing industry.

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高档化妆品的乳化剂、保水剂、美容保健配方组份。The emulsification and aqua of top grade cosmetics, the component of hairdressing and health protection.

盖伊马斯科洛,65岁,创办了美容美发精英与他的兄弟托尼马斯科洛1963年在伦敦沙龙。Guy Mascolo, 65, founded the elite hairdressing salon along with his brother Toni Mascolo in London in 1963.

这在美发和创作艺术行业显而易见,但在咨询和教育行业就没那么明显。This is obvious in areas such as hairdressing and creative arts, and less obvious in counselling and teaching.

剩下的生活费中,30%用于住宿,5%用于美发和买衣服,而只有3%用在学习上。The rest is spent on their lodgings, 30 per cent, hairdressing and clothes, 5 per cent, and study fees, 3 per cent.

对属貔貅的老迈同志之爱心我们是绝对放心滴,估计还会给中国刀也打粉做日式美容保养吧?We set our heart at rest about Laomai's love heart, is it estimated that Chinese Dao also do Japaneses style hairdressing ?

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你的意思是说,学校的美发科系所教的内容与实际发廊内设技师应有的专业部份,不相关?。So what you mean is, the content that hairdressing department teaches, are not related to the content of profession in salon?

我们是一家高档的专业美发连锁店,本连锁店不但致力于发型设计,还专业于整体造型。Our Hairdressing chain-store is upscale and professional, we are not only dedicated to hair design, but also to whole styling.

围兜采用桃花纸作围巾,通过搭扣及不干胶粘纸围系于理发者的颈部。Peach flower paper is taken as a scarf which is tied around a hairdressing client's neck through buckles and self-adhesive paper.