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他是一名北方军的侦察兵。He was a Federal scout.

我成了一个已定罪的全国重犯。I'm a convicted federal felon.

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联邦政府的科学家遭禁口。Federal scientists have been muzzled.

亚力克上了当地的联邦大学。Aleck went to a local federal college.

常春公司没有接受过联邦政府的钱。Evergreen has received no federal money.


非银行机构可以逃避美联储的监管。Nonbanks could avoid federal supervision.

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这样的收据我们称为联邦存储收据。what we call a Federal Depository Receipt.

联邦所得税仍采取累进计税法。The federal income tax remains progressive.

这些权力只属于联邦政府。Only the federal government has these powers.

联邦政的府承认将带来新的权力。With federal recognition will come new powers.

对于非专业读者和联邦机构来说。For non-technical readers and federal agencies.

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维克触犯了关于不允许斗狗的一条联邦禁令。Vick fell foul of a Federal ban on dogfighting.

沃尔玛再次失去了在一家联邦上诉法院。Wal-Mart again lost in a federal appeals court.

预计他今天会出现在联邦法院。He is expected to appear in federal court today.

林奇堡向联邦的侦查军投降。Lynchburg surrendered to a Federal scouting party.

联邦政府举起了“虚位以待”的牌子。The federal government's 'help wanted' sign is up.

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联邦法庭的一名发言人拒绝评论。A spokesman for the federal court declined comment.

有限的联邦法律,以试验性使用。Limited by Federal Law to Investigational Use Only.

那种过错不在联邦法院受理范围内。That offence is not justiciable in a federal court.