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罗杰天性沉默寡言,他一声不吭。Roger, uncommunicative by nature, said nothing.

渐渐地我变得孤僻,不苟言笑。Gradually, I became uncommunicative and reserved.

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女孩开始变得沉默寡言。The girl starts to become the silence to be uncommunicative.

由于他的太太变成神秘兮兮,沈默寡言,使他烦得要命。He is worried sick because his wife has become secretive and uncommunicative.

我一个不爱合群,沉默寡言的瘦弱女孩。My does not like getting on well with others, uncommunicative emaciated girl.

无论是什么原因,这种处在边缘的感觉使我们暴躁,沉默和顽固。Whatever the reasons, feeling on edge makes us cranky, uncommunicative and stubborn.

最后,别忘了维珍的MiFi仍然是一种MiFi,所以它有点“不善交流”。Finally, remember that the Virgin MiFi is still a MiFi, so it’s a bit uncommunicative.

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他的性格孤僻,他总是不和任何人接触。He has an uncommunicative and eccentric disposition,and always stands aloof from anyone else.

人们认为孤独症就是那在角落里前后摇晃不会说话的孩子,是一个悲剧,而忽视了孤独症人士作为人的人性。They are portrayed as a tragedy, the uncommunicative child rocking in the corner, devoid of her humanity.

实际上,我坚信女人更喜欢一个男人郁郁无言甚过于像竹筒倒豆子似的,什么都说。I believe, in fact, that most women would prefer a man to be glumly uncommunicative than spill his guts at the drop of a hat.

我相信,实际上,相对于靠狠狠地甩帽子发泄的男人,大多数女人更喜欢忧郁的缄默的男子。I believe, in fact, that most women would prefer a man to be gloomily uncommunicative than to spill his guts at the drop of a hat.

我相信事实上大多数女人都宁愿男人郁郁寡欢不言不语,而不喜欢男人就像竹筒倒豆子,什么都说。I believe, in fact, that most women would prefer a man to be gloomily uncommunicative than to spill his guts at the drop of a hat.

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好长一段时间我都以为在那个沉默寡言的态度背后一定有着未曾挖掘出来的财宝,但后来我怀疑那背后是否有那些东西了。For a long time I believed there must be wealth of undiscovered treasure behind that uncommunicative manner, but late I wondered if there was anything behind it at all.

此次展出的20多幅他新近创作的作品,象是一个斗士的战果,又象一个品味孤独的人的理想国。The over 20 pieces of his recent works exhibited seemed to be the victory of a fighter, or it seemed again to be an utopia of a person keeping an uncommunicative and eccentric taste.