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冻结的整体。Frozen Wholes.

她像被冻僵了似的坐着。She sat as if frozen.

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为了冰封王座!For the Frozen throne!

我受了冻的心就热了昵?。My frozen heart grew hot?

食物已经冻成固体了。The food had frozen solid.

我在这儿只看到有冻鱼。I only see frozen fish here.

冷冻蔬菜,疗伤好帮手。Get cozy with frozen vegetables.

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我的车被冻在地上了。My car has frozen to the ground.

结冻的溪流形成了一个好的光滑面。A frozen brook makes a good slide.

和况只有林子与冰湖。Between the woods and frozen lake.

买生鲜食品,而非冷冻的。Buy fresh foods instead of frozen.

负O型血和新鲜冷冻血浆到了吗?O neg and fresh frozen on the way?

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这鱼摸起来好像冷冻的。This fish feels as if it's frozen.

波罗的海5月时仍然处在封冻状态。The Baltic was still frozen in May.

寒冷冻得大地坚硬。The cold has frozen the earth solid.

那些冰冻过的小玩意菜豆可是很美味的哦。The frozen baby limas are delicious.

凝结的水滴称为霜。The frozen droplets are called rime.

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负O型血和新鲜冷冻血浆送来了!O neg and fresh frozen plasma's here!

我们的双脚嘎吱作响地“踩”着冰冻的雪地。Our feet crunched on the frozen snow.

路上的雪已经冻得很硬了。The snow has frozen hard on the road.