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学校食堂里挤满了人。The cafeteria was packed.

好啊,我吃腻了自助食堂。Sure. I'm bored of the Cafeteria.

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人们喜欢在自助餐厅用餐。People like to eat in a cafeteria.

在自助餐馆,我们自己备餐。In the cafeteria we serve ourselves.

我在学校饭堂里洗碗。I washed dishes in the school cafeteria.

底楼有一家自助餐厅。There's a cafeteria on the ground floor.

学校自助餐厅里的食物很难吃。The food in the school cafeteria is yucky.

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我们在顶楼也有一个自助餐厅。We also have a cafeteria on the top floor.

把你的午餐托盘放在自助餐馆门口。Deposit your lunch tray at the cafeteria door.

他在饭堂是负责红案这项工作的。He was responsible for cooking in the cafeteria.

学校自助餐厅里的饭菜确实很差。The food is really icky in the school cafeteria.

这是我第一次在自助餐厅里吃饭。This is first time for me to eat in a cafeteria.

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萨姆,生活就是个自助餐厅。特西是个饥不择食的姑娘。Sam, life's a cafeteria . Tessie's a hungry girl.

不好意思,我在自助餐厅都用银行卡。Sorry – I always use my bankcard in the cafeteria.

还记得童年时期小餐厅里的叉勺吗?Remember the sporks of your childhood cafeteria days?

有时我在大学旁的自助餐厅见到他。Sometimes I see him at the cafeteria near the university.

晚上,他们一起去自助食堂去品尝他们喜爱的卷心菜。At night, they went to a cafeteria to taste favorite cabbage.

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各班的班级照将在本周在一楼餐厅开始出售。Class pictures will be on sale this Saturday in the cafeteria.

在餐厅吃午餐的规矩,和在操场的规矩。in the cafeteria when they're eating lunch, on the playground.

我要和桑妮一起在自助餐厅吃饭。你要不要参加?。I' m eating at the cafeteria with Sunny. Do you want to join us?