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经过我坚持不懈的努力,我终于认识了他。By my remorseless great efforts, i met him finally.

他坚固的外壳下跳动的是一颗冷血的杀手之心。Within the hardened carapace beats the heart of a remorseless killer.

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牧师深知这一切——他是一个多么难以捉摸又懊悔不迭的伪君子啊!The minister well knew- subtle, but remorseless hypocrite that he was!

信用评级已在过去的几十年里无情地下降。The decline in credit ratings has been remorseless over the past couple of decades.

罗伯特是一名鼓手,对于摇滚抱有极大的热情,然而却被乐队毫不留情的踢了出来。Robert is a drummer, with great enthusiasm for rock band, however, was kicked out of the remorseless.

它曾是这个国家的心脏地带,蕴含着不安分的,不受驾驭的野性力量,遥远、坚毅、不屈不挠却又宏伟壮丽。Exuding a restless, untamed energy, the heart of the country is at once remote, remorseless and magnificent.

你的无情和冷血令我震惊,杜弗兰先生,只是看着你就使我不寒而僳。You strike me as a particularly icy and remorseless man, Mr. Dufresne. It chills my blood just to look at you.

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这些也许会被看作是暂时性打击,而不会对供应产生持续性影响。These could be written off as temporary factors hitting supply if it weren't for a remorseless increase in demand.

90分钟的无情屠杀以后,69个人,小的才14岁,被杀死了,另有66个人受伤。After 90 minutes of remorseless slaughter, 69 people, some as young as 14, had been killed and a further 66 were injured.

ZG饰品的出现使封印命运匕首贼加满冷酷的天赋成为一个非常理想的天赋。尤其是一套荣誉装的时候。Seal fate dagger with full remorseless finally becomes a dream build with ZG trinkets , this is the spec in all of its glory.

总之,如果一个人想学好英语,他或她应该对学习英语感兴趣并且要坚持不懈和勇敢。To sum up, if one wants to learn English well, he or she should be interested in learning English and be remorseless and brave.

我们的船正在追击,并且,公正会随同炮弹,刀剑以及各种无情的金属碎片一起降临。Our ships are in pursuit, and justice will be dispensed by cannonade and cutlass, and all manner of remorseless pieces of metal.

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他固执得毫不动摇,从未听说过爱情和同情的影响使他背离残忍的目标,而且他以这种固执自负。He was vain of that unwavering obstinacy which no influence of love or pity had ever been known to bend from its remorseless purpose.

但至少,被迫既要适应丰裕糊口、又要适应捉襟见肘的糊口,比过着不知悔改、放纵无度的糊口更有益成长。But at least having to adapt to both plenty and scarcity makes for a more versatile upbringing than one of remorseless overindulgence.

在任何一个正派的旁观者看来,用威力强大的高科技战争武器无情地摧毁破旧的房屋和脆弱的生命只能引起悲痛和义愤。The remorseless demolition of wretched homes and lives by a mighty high-tech war machine cannot but cause grief and outrage in any decent onlooker.

共和党另一些大佬也因他们对婚姻不忠而遭难,对性丑闻无情曝光的逻辑,并未仅仅针对预定目标而放过其拥护者。Other GOP leaders, too, came to grief for their infidelities, the remorseless logic of sexual exposure sparing its advocates no more than its intended targets.

熊阔海毫不留情的当面揭露了于挺从基层连队逃窜的真相并勒令他立刻返回部队承受处分。XiongKuo sea remorseless revealed in pretty face from grass-roots company ran the truth and ordered him immediately return to forces under disciplinary action.

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只要我们能够正确应对,经过长期坚持不懈的努力,必然实现世界社会主义和社会主义全球化。As long as we have the right attitude and make long-lasting remorseless effort, the universal socialist and socialism globalization shall be realized inevitably.

激烈地震荡着的毫不内疚的人的海洋,复仇的呼号,经过苦难的熔炉锻炼得僵硬的脸,在那脸上怜悯再也留不下痕迹。The remorseless sea of turbulentlyswaying shapes, voices of vengeance, and faces hardened in thefurnaces of suffering until the touch of pity could make no mark onthem.

骑士们身穿链甲,挥舞狼牙棒奋勇厮杀,心中充满为同僚复仇的怒火,哪怕付出生命亦在所不惜。Riding into combat, wielding a mace and wearing chainmail armour, these knights are fuelled by the desire to avenge their fallen brethren who lost their lives to remorseless Pagans.